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Emergency Minutes <br /> BOARD OF REGISTRARS <br /> Mashpee Town Hall—Town Clerk's Office <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee,MA 02649 <br /> Friday, September 6, 2024 <br /> PRESENT: <br /> Yvonne Courtney,Alexis Hanson, Ernest Virgilio,Deborah Kaye&Judy Mooney <br /> CALL TO ORDER: <br /> Ms.Yvonne Courtney called the meeting to order and Alexa second the motion,at 2:05 p.m. <br /> MINUTES: Nothing at this time. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Recount of Republic Senator in General Court Race <br /> 1) Ms. Kaye explained to the Board that Kari MacRae had submitted recount papers regarding the <br /> results of the Republican Senator in General Court race that she lost on September 3,2024. While <br /> Ms. MacRae had successfully won the race in Mashpee against Matthew J. Muratore, she had lost <br /> in the other seven communities. Ms. Kaye further explained that the recount must take place no <br /> later than September 14,2024. She then stated with the Board's approval,Ms.Kaye would set the <br /> date for the recount for September 13,2024 at 10 the Town Hall Waquoit Conference Room. <br /> Candidate MacRae lost the district-wide race to Candidate Muratore by 46 votes. <br /> The Board of Registrars voted unanimously to set the date for the recount for September 13,2024 <br /> at 10 a.m. <br /> 2) Ms. Kaye began by explaining to the Registrars the process and what to expect on September 13, <br /> 2024. We will only count the Senator in General Court race on the Republican ballot. Once the <br /> recount begins,the ballots would be brought,with the assistance of a police officer,out of the vault <br /> to the Waquoit Conference Room where the Republican ballots will be separated from the other <br /> ballots. Then they will be batched into blocks of 50 and distributed to the volunteers. We will <br /> have 10 volunteers to assist with the recount so it should go rather quickly. <br /> 3) Ms.Kaye asked that the Board of Registrars please arrive at Town Hall by 9:15 a.m. so that she <br /> could review with the Registrars the layout of the conference room as will be set up for the <br /> recount and their role in the proceedings. <br /> Chairperson Courtney will call the meeting of the Board of Registrars meeting to order at 10 am. <br /> Once the formalities are addressed,the Town Clerk will provide an explanation to everyone present <br /> the layout of the conference room, and what will occur once the recount begins. Ms. Kaye will be <br /> working the floor providing ballot envelopes to the tables to be counted. Once counted Deb will <br /> announce the final decision is tallied. <br />