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07/14/2010 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Executive Session
07/14/2010 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Executive Session
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES <br />JULY 14, 2010 <br />you are hereby ordered to limit the occupancy of rooms for rent at La Plaza del Sol Motel to <br />short term, transient occupants.” <br /> <br />Attorney Caruso quoted the Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR 310.3 Use Group <br />R-1 structures: “This use group shall include all hotels, motels, boarding houses and similar <br />buildings arranged for shelter and sleeping accommodations and in which the occupants are <br />primarily transient in nature, occupying the facilities for a period of less than 30 days.” She <br />said that the Appeal is asking the Court to determine the precise definition of ‘primarily’ <br />transient in nature. Attorney Caruso said that the motel’s argument is that ‘primarily’ means <br />exactly that – the guests are ‘primarily’ transient in nature, that ‘primarily’ the motel guests are <br />there for 30 days or less. On the other hand, it also means that not every guest stays for less <br />than 30 days. Town Counsel’s argument is that essentially a motel is traditionally used for <br />transient guests. Attorney Caruso said case law exists that indicates having a guest that is not <br />transient in nature changes the use of the property over to a lodge, which is not a ‘grandfathered <br />use’ in this case. She said that the ‘grandfathered use’ is this case is for operation of a <br />motel/hotel and that the guests need to be transient in nature. The current change in use <br />accommodating people who are not transient in nature is not the ‘grandfathered use’ for the <br />motel. <br /> <br />Attorney Caruso said that an examination was conducted of the motel’s guest registers, <br />bookings, logs and the day cards show that some people have been living at the motel for <br />months, even years, at a time. She stated that there are more transient guests than full-time <br />guests living on the subject property; therefore, she said “by his definition”, Mr. White’s claim <br />that the motel is primarily transient in nature is true. She said that the Judge would have to <br />clarify how to interpret the Building Code and the case law surrounding the Building Code. <br />Attorney Caruso said that the two seem to clash in that “the case law seems to indicate that <br />people need to come and go as transient people and the Building Code seems to say this word <br />‘primarily’ and we’re not sure how to interpret the two right now.” <br /> <br />Attorney Caruso said that the trial date scheduled for July was postponed in order to await the <br />Decision of the Board. She said that if the Board grants the Petitioner his request, then he <br />would most likely dismiss his Appeal. <br /> <br />Attorney Caruso asked the Board for questions and advised them to stay away from the topic of <br />what will be discussed at the Public Hearings as much as possible. <br /> <br />Mr. Blaisdell said that “you can look at ‘primarily’ in different ways.” He asked if Mr. White <br />was able to show “room night stays by permanent versus transient”. Attorney Caruso said that <br />the information was provided. The documents revealed that the tally of the “room nights” of <br />the permanent guests far exceeds the “room nights” of the transient guests. Attorney Caruso <br />said that the Appeal is requesting the Judge to define the word ‘primarily’ and then said: “Does <br />it mean room nights? Does it mean rooms themselves? Does it mean guests themselves?” She <br />said that the Building Code is vague and it is up to the Board’s good judgment to clarify its <br />interpretation of the Code. <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />
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