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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES <br />JULY 14, 2010 <br />Mr. Nelson read a statement from Health Agent Glen Harrington dated August 23, 2007. The <br />statement reads: <br /> “As for the length of stays, the motel definition according to M.G.L. 140 s. 32A states <br /> that the motel buildings shall be used to provide sleeping accommodations for ‘transient <br /> motorists’. M.G.L. c.140 s 12A states further that a definition of a hotel (including a <br /> motel) uses the same wording as ‘transient occupancy’. Certainly, in my opinion, <br /> ‘transient’ does not mean year round. The length of stay is not defined, as I could find, <br /> for Board of Health jurisdiction. If a stay of 30 days or more is performed then the <br /> building or unit shall meet the Child Lead Prevention Law. The Building Code (780 <br /> CMR 31.03) states that in a Use Group R-1 structure, the period for a stay in a motel is <br /> less than 30 days. Please seek the opinion and interpretation of the state and local <br /> zoning use and applicability of the La Plaza del Sol from Richard Stevens, the Building <br /> Inspector.” <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson said the reason for referencing this letter was to clarify that before the Board was <br />involved, Mr. White had already been informed by Town officials of the Massachusetts <br />General Laws and Building Code restrictions placed on structures in an R-1 zone. Mr. Nelson <br />also reminded the Board that Mr. White did not initiate this sort of motel operation because the <br />previous owner of the motel had started the practice of accommodating persons for periods <br />longer than 30 days. <br /> <br />Attorney Caruso said that the Board can Appeal a Decision rendered by a Judge. She said that <br />if the Board decides to grant the Petition, the Board could place restrictions and conditions on <br />the Decision. Attorney Caruso suggested that the Board could get an idea if Mr. White would <br />be willing to comply with certain conditions by posing a condition to him and then asking how <br />he would feel about having to comply. Attorney Caruso said that the Court upholds safety and <br />health conditions placed by local Boards. She said that a Decision rendered by the Court would <br />not have conditions. However, the Board would have the opportunity to enforce the Zoning <br />By-laws or Building Codes through the local authorities. <br /> <br />Attorney Caruso said that what was being discussed does affect the Pending Litigation. She <br />advised the Board not to discuss what kind of conditions to place on the Petition in the event the <br />Petition is granted. Attorney Caruso said that the fact that the Board’s Decision affects the <br />Pending Litigation is reason for discussion. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson wanted to know if the Board could ask the identity of Mr. White’s partner. <br />Attorney Caruso said that the Board could ask Mr. White as long as the matter was brought up <br />at the previous hearing. She said that the Board could word questions about issues covered in <br />the previous hearing with this approach: “I know we asked you about this matter before. Could <br />you please clarify for us?” <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson said that the Petitioner is using property outside of the subject property for purposes <br />of egress and ingress for the motel. He said that his internet research revealed that the <br />Corporation has an address in Auburn, Maine and makes less than $500,000 a year and <br />employs from one to four part-time employees. Attorney Caruso said that the Board has to be <br />careful to only discuss and ask for clarification of issues that were brought up at the first Public <br /> 4 <br /> <br />