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Mashpee Waterways Commission <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Mashpee, MA <br /> Minutes of the January 10, 2017 Meeting <br /> Chairman Bates called the meeting to order at 9:02 AM at the Mashpee Town Hall in the <br /> Popponesset Fleeting Room+ <br /> resent: Don anon Ken Bates, Tim Lecdharn, Bill Taylor, Stan Healy, Don M cDonald <br /> Absent: Al Wicke l <br /> Also in attendance: Rodney Collins, Town Manager, Alec Turner, Harbormaster, and <br /> Catherine Laurent, DPW Director, lick York Natural Resources Director <br /> Minutes of the December 1 th Meeting: Minutes were reviewed. Rick made minor <br /> corrections/ improvements in description to several items in the previous shellfish <br /> report. Those changes were recorded and accepted, and a notion was made to approve <br /> the revisions. Stan Healy made the notion to approve the corrected minutes, 2nd Tire <br /> eedham, and unanimously approved. <br /> Communications & Correspondence - Ken asked that as part of routine protocol, if there <br /> are new articles (new tasks or undertaking) from the Committee, these articles should be <br /> forwarded to him. He will forward these articles to the Town Administration for review. <br /> He noted these were to be prepared for the May Town Meeting. <br /> There was discussion that the Save the Bay organization will present to the Town an <br /> outline on how their project will dovetail and support the Town's effort to enhance the <br /> stability and beach nourishment at the Spit. <br /> Mr. Collins expanded on this subject and made an appeal that all parties must think , <br /> outside the box, so to spear, to arrive at the hest solution to what is an expensive and <br /> protracted battle against the elements. A plan is needed for a more final solution. Tiny <br /> explained the movement of sand at the Spit and why replacement is net always <br /> permanent or effective - more of a holding action, Rick made mention, as a possibility, <br /> that the formation of a reef outside and off the Spit has been tried at other locations by the <br /> Corp of Engineers. He recommended that the Corp report should be reviewed first, <br /> understanding gained, before the Corp is contacted for possible assistance. <br /> Old Business: <br /> Harbormaster Report- Alec reported that his office has assisted in relocating shellfish <br /> from the Mashpee River to Pirate Cove. Also, there were routine checks on duck Bunters <br /> and trout fishermen to insure proper license and safety equipment was available. As a <br />