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■ NOAA initiative grants are also being utilized to implement water level <br /> gauges and monitor coastal water quality and flow dynamics <br /> ■ Discussed water level gauges installation in the bay for coastal resiliency <br /> ➢ Upcoming and Attended Events Updates <br /> o None <br /> v �nrvcTiivrrt�€S <br /> e BB�Strat�gi�s <br /> oFQCVsio4z"�s <br /> ➢ OSMP Discussion: <br /> o Discussed Division of Conservation Services grant for land conservation <br /> assistance <br /> ■ The grant aims to support land conservation efforts by providing funding <br /> for applications and planning <br /> ■ Grant is designed to help towns overcome challenges associated with <br /> applying for land grants and vulnerability preparedness grants, such as <br /> MVP grant <br /> ■ Eligible applicants can use the funds to hire consultants for open space and <br /> recreation planning or to create grant materials for submission to the state <br /> o Explore Land Conservation Assistance Grant Program to help fund applications <br /> or plans for land grants and vulnerability preparedness <br /> o Consider hiring a consultant to assist with the drafting of the Open Space and <br /> Recreation Plan to ensure compliance and effectiveness <br /> o Investigate potential partnerships with organizations like the Native Land <br /> Conservancy for collaborative funding opportunities and support in managing <br /> conservation efforts <br /> o Responsibility for issuing RFP of OSRP <br /> ■ Planning Department is not willing to submit the RFP, leading to <br /> uncertainty about who will take responsibility <br /> ■ Conservation Department was suggested as a potential candidate to <br /> manage the RFP,but there is hesitation regarding their willingness to take <br /> on the task <br /> ■ There is a need for a meeting with the town manager to clarify the <br /> responsibilities and ensure that a department is designated to oversee the <br /> RFP process for the OSRP <br /> o Discussed potential land acquisitions, including Gooseberry Island and Head of <br /> John's Pond <br /> o Explored challenges in land acquisition <br /> o Discussed need for updating parcels and conditions in the plan <br /> ➢ Discussion: Invite Mashpee Wakeby Lake Management Committee to discuss initiatives: <br /> o Mr. Weeden to follow up with Mr. Bibo, chairman of the Mashpee Wakeby Lake <br /> Management Committee. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> ➢ Future meeting dates and Joint meeting discussion: <br /> o Scheduled next meetings January 6 and 27 <br /> 2 <br />