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School Committee Emergency Meeting <br /> Minutes <br /> November 5,2015 <br /> Present were: Scott McGee, Don Myers, Chris Santos, Geoff Gorman and George Schmidt. Also present <br /> was Attorney Jim Toomey. Brian Hyde waived his right to attend meeting. <br /> Mr. McGee called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. <br /> Mr. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gorman to enter into Executive Session <br /> @ 6:01pm. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Mr. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to exit Executive Session and move into <br /> the public session at 6:43pm. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Mr. Myers made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to place Mr. Hyde on paid administrative <br /> leave effective immediately. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Mr. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Mr. Myers to appoint Patricia DeBoer as Acting <br /> Superintendent immediately. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Mr. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gorman to adjourn the regular meeting <br /> @6:50pm. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Respectfully submitted by, <br /> Scott McGee, <br /> School Committee Chair <br />