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<br />Janice Mills made a motion, seconded by David Bloomfield to add a food service cook <br />helper at the Coombs School. <br /> <br />Roll Call Vote: In favor- David Bloomfield, Scott McGee, Janice Mills, Jose Franco, <br />and Janice Mills; Opposed- none. <br /> <br />IV. Business Report <br />Mrs. Bradshaw reviewed the monthly reports. There was discussion to make transfers to <br />cover negative balances for the Interim Principal and the Interim Business Administrator <br />line items. <br /> <br />There was discussion about the status of hiring for the Business Administrator. Mrs. <br />Bradshaw explained that the job had been advertised, and out of two qualified applicants, <br />one never responded to an interview and the other cancelled the day of her interview. <br />Mrs. Bradshaw explained that for now the Interim Business Administrator was handling <br />the duties. There was discussion to look at the job description and position prior to <br />reposting. <br /> <br />There was also discussion about the new laptop program. Mrs. Bradshaw explained, <br />th <br />although not the original intention, they are now looking at letting 8 graders keep their <br />th <br />laptops to bring to ninth grade, and purchasing new laptops or tablets for next years’ 8 <br />graders. There was discussion that the infrastructure for wireless use and the server may <br />need to be upgraded to handle a larger capacity. The committee also indicated that they <br />would like to see results of the laptop program and also a long-term plan for technology. <br />Mrs. Bradshaw agreed to bring back a plan to the committee. <br /> <br />Mrs. Bradshaw also mentioned that she had attended the department head meeting at <br />town hall that morning and that the CIP and FY 13 budget were reviewed. She said the <br />preliminary budget message for FY13 is level funding for the schools. <br /> <br />Mrs. Bradshaw will bring a list of CIP requests for the next meeting for the committee to <br />prioritize. <br /> <br />Mrs. Mills left the meeting at 7:35 p.m. <br /> <br />V. Special Education and General Education Transportation Contracts <br />Mrs. Stanley excused herself from this portion of the meeting. <br /> <br />Mrs. Bradshaw discussed that the schools will be going out to bid for Special Education <br />transportation. As well, she mentioned that the schools still do not have a signed <br />agreement for the general education transportation from the Collaborative. Mr. <br />Bloomfield agreed to follow up with the Collaborative at their next meeting. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />