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' . <br /> |nfavor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. <br /> Schnnidt; opposed—none. <br /> l4 Update on FY17 budget <br /> Mr. Funk gave a brief update on the FY17 budget process. <br /> V|U. *Discussion and vote to appoint a school committee member to the Cape Cod Collaborative <br /> Board ofDirectors <br /> Mr. Myers made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gorman to appoint Scott McGee to the Cape Cod <br /> Collaborative Board ofDirectors. <br /> Roll Call Vote: |n favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> |x. *Approval mf Grade 5 field trip tmPequmt Museum |nConnecticut <br /> Mr. Santos made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schmidt to approve the Grade 5 field trip to the <br /> Pequot Museum inConnecticut. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos and Mr. Schmidt; abstained—Mr. <br /> Gorman. <br /> X. *Adjournment <br /> Mr. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to adjourn the finance meeting @7:35pm. <br /> Roll Call Vote: |n favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Myers, Mr. Santos, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Schmidt; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Respectfully submitted by, <br /> Catherine E. Loyko / <br /> School Committee Recording Secretary <br /> 2 <br />