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9.3 *Budget transfers <br /> Mr. McGee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to approve budget transfer#16- <br /> 007. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. <br /> Myers; opposed—none. <br /> 9.4 *Funding source for QS window replacement <br /> Mr. Santos made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gorman to authorize the Chair to sign the <br /> initial compliance certification for the QS window project. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos; Mr. Myers; abstained <br /> —Mr.Schmidt. <br /> Mr. Myers made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to authorize the Business Manager <br /> to seek to encumber from FY16 budget an amount of$50,000 prior to June 30, 2016 for <br /> funding of the feasibility study/schematic design. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mr. Schmidt; Mr. Myers; opposed <br /> —Mr. McGee. <br /> X. *Addendum to the Separation Agreement between the Mashpee School District and Brian <br /> Hyde <br /> Mr. Myers made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schmidt to have the Committee authorize the Chair <br /> to execute the addendum to Mr. Hyde's Separation Agreement. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. Gorman, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Myers; opposed—Mr. McGee and Mr. <br /> Santos. <br /> XI. *Superintendent Evaluation <br /> Mr. Myers presented the Superintendent's evaluation with an overall score of proficient. <br /> Mr. McGee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to approve the Superintendent's evaluation <br /> as presented. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Myers; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> XII. Select Date for School Committee Retreat in August <br /> Tabled to a later date. <br /> XIII. *School Committee Meeting Dates for FY17—Second Read <br /> Mr. McGee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gorman to approve the second read of the School <br /> Committee meeting dates for FY17. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. McGee, Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Myers; <br /> opposed <br /> XIV. School Start Time Committee Update <br /> Mrs. DeBoer gave an update on the school start time committee. <br />