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Mashpee Public Schools: School Start Time Committee (SSTC) <br /> January 14, 2016 3:30 — 4:45 PM Quashnet Library MINUTES <br /> PRESENT: Don Myers, Chris Santos, Patty DeBoer, Mark Balestracci, MaryKate O'Brien, Marcy Dugas, <br /> Matt Triveri, Kristine Jones, Robin Geggatt, Kristen Boyd, Sarah Provencher, Matt Auger, Tannah O'Brien <br /> ABSENT: Brian Brodie <br /> 3:30 PM: Meeting started <br /> 3:32 PM: 11/20/15 SSTC Meeting Minutes—review/approve (Motion to approve: Kristen Boyd; <br /> Second: Matt Triveri—All YES) <br /> 3:34 PM - 4:40 PM: <br /> ■ Committee members reported out on their assigned task (#1 — 8) <br /> ■ Draft of School Start Time survey was presented (currently in Survey Monkey)—hold for later in the <br /> process—tweak questions as we move forward; Tannah O'Brien is collecting input from her MMHS <br /> peers; release survey closer to the ending point/decision time; more communication to families is <br /> needed prior to the survey; conduct separate surveys—parent/family and student <br /> ■ Documentation was shared on the health aspects (physical/mental) of adolescents; sleep deprivation; <br /> melatonin; brain functioning <br /> ■ Articles/research read by committee members were shared/discussed—all contain similar research <br /> ■ Biggest message after watching video/reading research—How can we not change? "Are we going to <br /> do what is best for our students or do what is convenient?" <br /> ■ HW—totally separate issue or something that should be considered with any change in start time <br /> decision (How amount/type of homework and change to school start/end time are related?) <br /> ■ Many districts are looking at the issue of high school start time—not that many districts are taking <br /> action. <br /> ■ Chart of local and South Shore League school start times was provided to the committee and <br /> discussed. Principal Balestracci supports shifting to a later start time at MMHS. <br /> ■ Principal O'Brien worries about the impact of any change in start/end times on fifth and sixth graders. <br /> ■ Dr. Alexander Heard from Cape Cod Pediatrics agreed to be part of this committee (per Kristine <br /> Jones). <br /> ■ We need to include the Recreation Department and Boys & Girls Club in this discussion. <br /> ■ Chart of Mashpee start/end time options was provided. If Mashpee decides to adjust the start time at <br /> MMHS, most members of the committee agree that the change should be a minimum of 30 minutes. <br /> General consensus: KCC/QS—Earlier start time; MMHS—Later start time <br /> ■ Any recommended change of school start/end times would be for SY17-18. <br /> ■ Target for recommendation to School Committee: July-2016 <br /> ■ Need to get information to the public (newspaper, email, blog, website)—share after each SSTC <br /> meeting <br /> 4:40 PM: Next meeting date selected: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 3:30 PM (Quashnet Library) <br /> 4:45 PM: Meeting adjourned (Motion: Patricia DeBoer; Second: Mark Balestracci—All YES) <br />