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o What is the usual time that you fall asleep? <br /> o Do you currently watch younger siblings/other students after school on a regular basis? <br /> o Start time options—gather student opinions <br /> ✓ Matt Auger suggestion—This Committee needs to come forward with a recommendation and move forward from there. <br /> ✓ Wendy Lithwin comment—Bus concerns—when very young students need to be returned to the school (No one is <br /> home.) <br /> ✓ Marcy Dugas comment—Any studies of elementary-aged students and start times? <br /> ✓ Amy Harris comment—In Connecticut, teachers provided input that they preferred CORE teaching time to be in the AM <br /> for elementary students. <br /> ✓ Don Myers pointed out that we instituted free Pre-K for all Mashpee children with transportation provided at no cost. <br /> ✓ We need to anticipate questions and know the answers to them before meeting with stakeholders. We would expect a <br /> stronger showing of parents who are opposed to changing school start times to attend parent meetings in order to <br /> ensure that their voices are heard. <br /> ✓ Current consensus of the SSTC: 8:30 AM—3:00 PM School day for MMHS students; No change to the current <br /> QS/KCC school days—additional bussing cost: Approx. $700,000 <br /> ✓ If Quashnet and Coombs start at 9:15 AM, we could provide before-school care combined with extra scoops of <br /> learning. <br /> 4:40 PM: Next meeting date selected—Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 3:30 PM (Quashnet Library) <br /> 4:45 PM: Meeting adjourned <br /> APPROVED: 4/28/16 <br />