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Mashpee Public Schools: School Start Time Committee (SSTC) <br /> Wednesday, September 7, 2016 3:30 — 4:45 PM Quashnet Libra MINUTES <br /> PRESENT: Don Myers, Patty DeBoer, Sarah Provencher, Matt Auger, Kristine Jones, MaryKate O'Brien, <br /> Mark Balestracci, Paul LaBelle, Robin Geggatt, Brian Brodie, Tannah O'Brien <br /> ABSENT: Chris Santos, Kristen Boyd, Dr. Peter Edwards, Matt Triveri, Ruth Provost (B & G C), Mary <br /> Bradbury (Rec. Dept.) <br /> 3:38 PM: Meeting opened <br /> 3:39 PM: 6/7/16 SSTC Meeting Minutes—reviewed/approved (Motion to approve: MaryKate O'Brien; <br /> 2nd: Matt Auger; All "yes") <br /> 3:40 PM: We reviewed last slide in the Power Point and developed an information-sharing schedule/plan <br /> 1. We will have a SSTC information table at each school's upcoming open house. A member of the SSTC will be at the <br /> table—power point slides/our brochure/Google form for questions. <br /> (Open Houses: QS on 9/14; MMHS on 9/22; and KCC on 9/29) <br /> 2. SSTC members will share information with each elementary school's PTO <br /> (KCC on 9/22 and QS on 9/28) <br /> 3. SSTC members (principals +) will share additional information with each school's staff(September) <br /> 4. SSTC members (principals +) will share additional information at their School Council meetings (Sept/Oct) <br /> 5. Principal Balestracci will share information with his Principal Advisory Council (made up of MMHS students) on 9/28. <br /> 6. We will continue to send emails with information to our families—including the link to the SSTC blog. <br /> 7. We have planned three district-wide sharing/information meetings (10-minute presentation followed by opportunities for <br /> questions) All meetings will be the same in content. They are planned for: <br /> Tuesday, October 4 at 6:00 PM at the Coombs School (open to all district families) <br /> Monday, October 17 at 6:00 PM at the Quashnet School (open to all district families) <br /> Thursday, October 27 at 6:00 PM at MMHS (open to all district families) <br /> 8. Our next SSTC committee meeting is scheduled for November 2 at 3:30 PM in Room 137 at the Quashnet School <br /> 9. We will be creating a video during the month of October(filming at each district meeting)and then add SSTC member <br /> narrative—to be broadcast on the local cable channel beginning in mid-November. <br /> 10. SSTC will present at the November 16th school committee meeting—making its recommendation <br /> 11. School Committee will further discuss this topic at its December meeting. <br /> 12. If the recommendation made moves forward,we would be seeking a school committee vote at its <br /> January, 2017 meeting <br /> Re: #7 above: <br /> Invite Amy Harris (previous guest of the SSTC with Connecticut start time experience)—Patty <br /> Invite Dr. Heard—Sarah Provencher <br /> Invite Dr. Parkinson—Matt Auger <br /> Principal Balestracci presented a draft block schedule for MMHS for SY17-18. A period is included within the <br /> school day for co-curricular activities (that previously were offered after school) or for directed study. <br /> 4:30 PM: We reviewed the draft informational brochure. Suggestions—include some additional data/quotes <br /> and also include specifics under the "Next Steps" section. Produce for distribution at above meetings. <br /> 4:42 PM: Next School Start Time Committee meeting: November 2, at 3:30 PM (QS—Room 137) <br /> 4:45 PM: Meeting adjourned Motion: Paul Labelle; Second: Kristine Jones; All—Yes <br /> APPROVED: 11/2/16 pd <br />