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Mashpee Public Schools: School Start Time Committee (SSTC) <br /> Wednesday, November 2, 2016 3:30 — 4:45 PM QS Rm 137 MINUTES <br /> PRESENT: SSTC members: Patty DeBoer, Paul LaBelle, Kris Jones, Chris Santos, Kristen Boyd, <br /> Brian Brodie, Matt Auger, Robin Geggatt, MaryKate O'Brien, Mary Bradbury, Matt Triveri <br /> Also present: Guests—Sharon DeFrancesco, David Gomes, Laura Ware <br /> ABSENT: SSTC members: Mark Balestracci, Sarah Provencher, Don Myers, Tannah O'Brien, Dr. <br /> Peter Edwards, Ruth Provost <br /> 3:34 PM: Meeting opened <br /> 3:35 PM: 9/7/16 SSTC Minutes were discussed and approved <br /> 3:38 PM: Patty DeBoer shared how the information-sharing meetings (September and October) went <br /> (See items #1 —#7 on our 9/7/17 minutes; Matt Auger provided feedback from the parent <br /> presentations; Paul LaBelle spoke about the faculty discussion at his school. <br /> 3:45 PM: Patty DeBoer shared what was learned when she attended a regional planning meeting <br /> sponsored by the Falmouth Public Schools on 10/24/16—specific to school start times. In addition to <br /> Patty, Plymouth school committee members and central office staff, Barnstable school committee <br /> members, Falmouth school committee members and central office staff, and a Dartmouth school <br /> committee member were present at this planning/sharing meeting. <br /> 3:50 PM: Patty DeBoer shared progress on creating an infomercial to air on Mashpee TV during <br /> November and December. Shane Kinsman is creating the video. For the video he has interviewed <br /> SSTC members Principal Balestracci, Matt Auger, Tannah O'Brien, Patty DeBoer, Dr. Edwards, Brian <br /> Brodie, Sarah McKenzie (non-committee member-parent), and Dr. Hooshmand (non-committee <br /> member—pediatrician consultant) <br /> 3:55 PM: We discussed the School Start Time Committee's presentation to the School Committee— <br /> scheduled for November 16t". Patty DeBoer will take the lead on this and present. Time will be <br /> included in our presentation for parents to share their perspectives (separate from the public comment <br /> section of the meeting). <br /> 4:05 PM: We discussed possible additional expenses related to changing our school start times— <br /> adding an additional bus and providing financial support to the before-school program current provided <br /> to elementary students by the Mashpee Recreation Department. Our goal is to support our families so <br /> this change does not create a financial burden for any family. We are currently exploring every bus <br /> route with the goal of reducing the number of bus stops to lessen the time a student spends on the <br /> bus—to improve efficiency while still maintaining safety. Changes will be communicated to parents and <br /> rolled out on a bus-by-bus basis as they are adjusted—starting during the current school year. <br /> 4:10 PM: We discussed MMHS school-day schedules and also sports program schedules with the <br /> proposed change in start time. <br /> 4:35 PM: We set our next meeting for Wednesday, December 7t", at 3:30 PM in the Quashnet Library <br /> 4:40 PM: Meeting adjourned <br /> Approved: 12/7/16 P. DeBoer <br />