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Recycling Committee <br />September 19, 2012 Minutes <br />Members Present{ June Leery, Sheldon Gilbert, Marion Baer <br />Others, Mike Richardson, Selectman <br />Jon Leavitt <br />George Boras <br />Catherine Laurent, DPW <br />A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 3; o p.m.. <br />Minutes <br />The minutes from the June 251, 2012 meeting were approved. <br />PAYT Discussion <br />DEP has not yet announced awards of grants for recycling and PAYT, If awarded, the Selectmen <br />will still need to vote to accept the grant. <br />Discussion of Recycling Bylaw/Hauler Recycling <br />The Committee discussed enforcement of the current waste bans versus a mandatory recycling <br />bylaw. The key to both would be the ability to issue fines for non-compliance. Education for <br />condominiums, businesses, and others using hauler might be more effective. The expiration of <br />the To n's current disposal contract and the increase in the tip fee will result in the costs for <br />haulers and their customers increasing as well. Promoting the cast savings realized by other <br />condominiums, etc. who.have implemented recycling programs would bolster the argument for <br />others to develop similar programs. <br />The meeting adjourned at 430 p.m.. <br />Respectively submitted, <br />Catherine Laurent <br />