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2014-2015 QUASHNET SCHOOL COUNCIL <br /> Meeting: Tuesday, February 3, 2015-3:15 PM to 4:15 PM <br /> (Note: This meeting was rescheduled from 1/20115 to 1127115, due to a conflict. Then it was rescheduled a second time to <br /> 213115 due to the blizzard that occurred on 1127115) <br /> Quashnet School Conference Room <br /> r <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Patricia DeBoer, Principal; Margaret Morrison, School Adjustment Counselor; Stephanie Manning,Teacher; <br /> Colleen Fraser, Parent <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Kathy O'Neill, Parent; Sarah Provencher, Parent; Jack Phelan, Community Member at large <br /> Our Four Major Areas of Responsibility. <br /> 1. Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student <br /> performance standards <br /> 2. Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school <br /> 3. Reviewing the annual school building budget <br /> 4. Formulating a school improvement plan <br /> Meeting Handouts: <br /> ■ Agenda <br /> ■ 1212/14 Meeting Minutes <br /> ■ Mission Statement Staff/Parent Responses <br /> ■ 2014 Parent Survey Questions <br /> AGENDA/MINUTES <br /> 1. Minutes from our 1212114 School Council meeting were approved. <br /> 2. We reviewed the parent/staff responses regarding our proposed new Quashnet School mission statement. The majority of <br /> responses received from parents and staff support our new mission statement. Most of the feedback received from parents <br /> who suggested a different mission statement centered around whether including "college and career ready"was appropriate <br /> for students at this level. Our new mission statement will read as follows: <br /> Our mission at the Quashnet School, in partnership with parents, families, and community,is <br /> to promote academic excellence and character development while supporting and celebrating <br /> all students as they strive towards college and career readiness. <br /> Mrs. DeBoer will review the new mission statement with the superintendent and present it to the School Committee. <br /> 3. We spent most of our meeting discussing our 2015 Parent Survey. We have decided to send out the same survey as last <br /> year so that we can gather data to compare with our 2014 baseline. We did decide on the elimination of Q 34, 35, 36, 37, <br /> 38, 39,40,41, and 42. Questions 34-37 were specifically targeted to gather parent input on decisions that were being <br /> made last year. Questions 38-42 were open-ended questions which we think can be addressed by our one open-response <br /> box at the end of this year's survey. We are going to add a question specific to each of the following: Family Culture, <br /> Homework, Parent/Teacher Conferences, and Parent Attendance at eventlmeetings. We also decided to add an open <br /> response box at the end inviting additional comments related to any question included in the survey. For a few questions, <br /> we will add a"not applicable"answer choice. We also reworded Q22 related to technology. Mrs. DeBoer will prepare the <br /> 2015 Parent Survey and will provide Council members with the opportunity to review/edit it prior to the survey being sent to <br /> our families. <br /> 4. We did not have enough time to discuss our"Family to Family"mentoring idea—to be discussed at next meeting. <br /> 5. We had a very brief discussion about the possibility of reallocating personnel so that we could have a Literacy <br /> Intervention ist/lnstructional Coach at Quashnet next year. All agree there is a need. <br /> 6. In other business, we briefly discussed the proposed calendar for SY15-16. Because Labor Day is the latest possible date, <br /> (917115)the Superintendent is working with the Association to get a one-year waiver of the contractual stipulation that <br /> students do not begin prior to Labor Day. All agree that students should begin school year 15-16 prior to Labor Day. <br /> Our Next Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3, 2015 <br />