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5 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Minutes <br /> June 15, 2015 <br /> COMMUNICATIONS & CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> In other business, it was announced that Governor Charlie Baker has approved the updated <br /> regional Section 208 Water Quality Management Plan for Barnstable County. With approval <br /> from the EPA, it is anticipated the County would receive funding over the next four years to <br /> provide a county-based water clean-up effort, which would include water monitoring programs. <br /> The Plan supports less expensive alternative wastewater technologies and would provide lower <br /> cost options and financial incentives to reduce the overall costs in a cooperative approach. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Annual Reappointments: <br /> The Board of Selectmen reviewed the Annual Reappointment List for 2015 as updated on June <br /> 10, 2015. Additional communication was received from the Town Manager dated June 8, 2015 <br /> relative to the reappointment of William Blaisdell to the Zoning Board of Appeals. As noted, <br /> Mr. Blaisdell has served the Town of Mashpee without incident for the past nine years. In <br /> response to a recent occurrence, Mr. Blaisdell remitted a letter to the Board of Selectmen <br /> explaining his position. The Board of Selectmen and Town Manager indicated they were <br /> satisfied with the explanation. Mr. Blaisdell's response letter will remain as public record as will <br /> the meeting minutes. With respect to this matter, it was reported that Town Counsel will be <br /> conducting a Conflict of Interest Training Session in the near future. <br /> With regards to the Annual Reappointment List, it was agreed that Selectman Gottlieb would <br /> replace Selectman Cahalane on the Environmental Oversight Committee. <br /> Motion made by Selectman Gottlieb to approve the Annual Reappointment List for 2015 as <br /> amended. <br /> Motion seconded by Selectman Cotton. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 5-0. <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Selectman Cahalane, yes Selectman Sherman,yes <br /> Selectman Gottlieb, yes Selectman O'Hara, yes <br /> Selectman Cotton,yes Opposed, none <br />