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Resident Bette Mendes, and member of the Board of Governors, inquired about the design of the <br />handicap crosswalk. Mr. Bonvie responded that the crosswalk met handicap criteria by offering <br />handicap access on either end. Ms. Mendes inquired about how a sightless person would locate <br />the crosswalk and it was noted that raised bumps on either end would denote the area as a <br />crosswalk to a sightless pedestrian. <br /> <br />Resident Neil Harris, and Landscape Committee member, inquired about vegetation located by <br />Building 3 and whether it would be new growth. Mr. Bonvie responded that it would be new <br />growth, but attempts would be made to transplant. Mr. Bonvie added that the new 5-unit <br />building would be further away from the existing single or duplex and the existing sales building <br />would be donated. It was expected that 8 trees would be removed, but more trees would be <br />added. Ms. Mendes stated that the Landscaping Committee had agreed to request that a <br />landscaping plan be developed for the project and Mr. Bonvie responded that he had submitted <br />the landscaping plan. Mr. Bonvie added that the landscaping was typically inspected by the <br />Landscape Committee prior to being turned over. <br /> <br />Resident Elizabeth Donovan stated that the landscaping along the edge of Atlantic Court created <br />sight difficulty. Mr. Bonvie stated that he maintained every existing tree possible, as requested <br />by the Planning Board. The Chair echoed the Board’s policy to maintain existing trees. <br /> <br />Alan Judelson, resident and Board of Governors member, inquired whether the plans represented <br />thth <br />the 750 unit and Mr. Bonvie confirmed that it was officially the 750 unit. <br /> <br />Mr. Rowley inquired about the speedbump on Southport Drive and Mr. Bonvie responded that it <br />was at the site of the crosswalk. Mr. Bonvie further stated that it was a speed table he wished to <br />make higher in order to better slow the traffic. Mr. Hansen suggested adding chevrons prior to <br />the speed bump to better indicate its presence. Mr. Bonvie agreed he would include the chevrons <br />if they were approved by the Board of Governors. Mr. Rowley recommended adding a sign to <br />the speed bump if it was raised. <br /> <br />Additional changes were needed on the plan and Mr. Fudala inquired whether the Board wished <br />to vote or wait for the revised plan. Chairman Waygan stayed she was ok with a vote and Mr. <br />Bonvie stated that he would provide the plan by the end of the week. There was discussion <br />regarding the revision date of the plan. The date will be October 19. <br /> <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to accept the site plan and landscaping plan for <br />the final four Southport units with two additional crosswalks with handicap ramps and the <br />parking lot where the stone dust walkway is, brick it, and reline the parking lot area to <br />indicate a walkway on the plan, revised with the revision date of October 19. The parking <br />spaces will not be reduced. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. <br /> <br />Ms. Mendes expressed concern that the brick pathway would be a challenge for plowing. Mr. <br />Bonvie responded that he had no trouble using the snow blower on brick pathways and the brick <br />was more aesthetically attractive than asphalt. The Chair agreed that the bricks were good for <br />aesthetics. <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />