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02/05/2025 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
Town Clerk
02/05/2025 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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x XV, <br /> ` of yn O _"Mash pee Aannina Board <br /> 16 Great Neck RoadWoYth <br /> :Mashpee, Alassachusetts 0264g <br /> Marston's Mills, is a cranberry grower, and has a catering company. He has 30 years of <br /> corporate experience but actively supports nonprofits. <br /> His original hopes were to modify an existing building, but it was hard to find adequate ceiling <br /> space. He has been before this Board prior to going to the Cape Cod Commission in 2024, <br /> and his location is 51 Evergreen Circle. There are no residential abutters, and the space is at <br /> the end of the Industrial Park. He is less than 15 miles from Upper to Mid-Cape, off Rt. 130, <br /> which is an ideal location. The building is made of steel metal and is 280ft. x 170ft. <br /> There is space for locker rooms, a pro shop, tavern, and golf simulations. The building is the <br /> size of a football field but provides ample environment for the community, acting as a <br /> Recreation Center. He has non-profit partnerships, and he looks forward to providing to local <br /> towns, notjust Mashpee. With this sport becoming a growing sensation, it is already starting to <br /> hit high school level sports. He plans to actively provide school programs across all ages, 8-80 <br /> years old. The indoor facility creates a sound regulated environment, thus eliminating having to <br /> stop play at certain hours due to noise. <br /> Mr. Russell received letters of support from the Town Manager, Select Board, Economic <br /> Development, and Chamber of Commerce. He had over 120 favorable comments, with no <br /> negative comments raised. Permits are all approved through Design Review and Board of <br /> Health. The Cape Cod Commission DRI process was approved on January 2nd,with full <br /> Commission review. <br /> Mr. Balzarini asked about the chemical shed, where the chemicals are stored for the IA <br /> system. For that type of chemical, containment may not be required, as it goes into the <br /> grounds. <br /> Mr. Russell will investigate the chemicals being stored. Additionally, he metwith the Fire <br /> Department, during preliminary conversations with Chief Phelan, a solution had been <br /> implemented for all fire equipment to be stored at the front of the building (Fire pump and <br /> electrical units will be gated). There is an emergency vehicle egress only with grass pavers. <br /> The turn radius analysis was performed for the roundabout with the ladder truck. There is a <br /> hydrant in the center entrance area that will be moved to the right. He will be providing a pump <br /> inside the building. <br /> Ms. Faulkner counted 86 parking spaces, 5 handicap accessible, totaling 91. She inquired <br /> about the number of seats at the tavern and asked if he had enough parking spaces available. <br /> Mr. Russell stated the total occupancy, including the outdoor patio, and full use of golf <br /> simulators, and tavern, totals 100 people. He has enough space in terms of meeting the <br /> requirements of the bylaws. People will be prohibited from parking on the street, that has been <br /> an issue in the past. During Design and Site Review he spoke with abutting owners who will <br /> offer additional parking in their neighboring lots. Pastore Excavation, Govoni Forestry, and <br /> Triple M have all officially offered additional overflow parking. <br /> 2 <br />
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