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[Agenda topic 3] Boat Parade <br />Discussion: Linda reported by email that Mary Bradbury of Recreational Dept. presented the idea of a <br />boat parade to the special events committee and they did not approve it. The police expressed concern <br />about using Attaquin Park in the evening hours. Members did not feel a day time boat parade would be <br />supported. <br />Conclusions: The idea of a boat parade is cancelled for now. <br />[.Agenda topic 41 Duck hunting'on lakes <br />Discussion: Barbara emailed Diane Lang of TTORon January 23rd on whether hunting was permitted from <br />the reservation. Diane replied that a "No hunting" sign was posted by the road entrance. Diane had had <br />other reports of hunters and she asked that any sighting of illegal hunters be phoned in to the EPO officer <br />at 800-632-8075. Brian checked with the EPO officer and found that duck hunting in season is legal from <br />boats on the lake. A hunter cannot shoot within 500 ft. from a dwelling, or within 150 feet of a street. <br />Conclusions: Duck hunting is permitted on the lake, although not from Lowell Holly Reservation. <br />[Agenda topic 5] 2015 Bass Tournaments <br />Discussion: Barbara obtained the list of 2015 tournaments from David Diotalevi of Fish and Game Dept. <br />The committee reviewed it for consistency with the ramp bylaws. Barbara emailed the list to Mary <br />Bradbury in Recreation, who requested the list to help here plan ramp attendant coverage for the summer. <br />The committee noted the bylaws were last updated in 2012, and wondered if changes had been made. We <br />no longer have the number of tourney participants so are unable to determine if that requirement is being <br />met. <br />Conclusions: The listings appear to be in line with the rules, but the number of participants is really <br />necessary, in order to determine if parking regulations are being conformed to and whether the lot would <br />be too full to allow a resident to launch a boat. <br />Concerns of guest, Paul McGrath <br />Discussion: Paul, who resides in Sandwich, brought 3 concerns to the committee. The daily camping on <br />Keith Island sand bar in Wakeby, a January 9, 2015 Sandwich Enterprise article stating that Sandwich <br />planned to build a $120.000 dog park with dock on Wakeby Lake using CPA funds, and the proliferation <br />of cormorants on the island in Wakeby. Paul mentioned he would email members links to the information <br />he was concerned about. Members felt these concerns were problems, but were unsure who to ask for help <br />on these issues. Perhaps these could be future agenda items with input from Steve Mone, Harbormaster <br />and Drew McManus in Conservation. <br />Conclusions: Paul McGrath brought three serious issues to the committee. I <br />The meeting was adjoumed at 8:30 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />