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Carol Sherman asked if the Chamber of Commerce would be able to assist the EDIC with cost of producing copies <br /> of the Guide for Business. The amount requested was $200. Mary Lou Palumbo asked that a formal request be <br /> made to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Carol Sherman offered to send this request <br /> Carol Sherman expressed her desire to build a strong working relationship between the EDIC and the Chamber of <br /> Commerce. Carol suggested that a member(liaison)from the Chamber attend EDIC meetings and that a member <br /> (liaison) from the EDIC attend Chamber meetings to build communication and relationships between the two <br /> entities. It was suggested that members of each board could share this responsibility. <br /> b. Update on Articles of Incorporation and FID number—Terrie Cook <br /> Terre looked into obtaining a Federal EID number and upon initial research it seems that filing as a non-profit may <br /> not be the correct course of action for the EDIC. She said that she would look into this further. There was some <br /> question as to whether or not,the Act creating the EDIC would be the Articles of Incorporation. <br /> c. Update from Cape Cod Commission regarding Economic Development Plan <br /> Tom Mayo recapped the work being done on the Economic Development Plan. Not much has changed since the <br /> previous update on the 10"'. The update from the 10`h was re-iterated for the benefit of members not present at that <br /> meeting: <br /> Mr. Mayo reported that he had spoken with Leslie Richardson and reviewed the legislative act with her. This <br /> review resulted in the opinion that notifying all abutters(including all owners of property in the industrial park)of a <br /> public hearing to present the EDP is what the act requires with regard to abutter involvement in the development of <br /> the EDP. Additionally,Ms.Richardson offered to help write the plan and has prepared a draft outline for the board <br /> to consider. <br /> The Board reviewed the draft outline and was pleased with it. The Board felt that the first 5 sections in the outline <br /> would be simple to compile as they are just information that already exists and needs to be organized into a <br /> document. It was agreed that Tom Mayo would work with Leslie Richardson to facilitate this as Ms. Richardson <br /> would not have access to much of the information without Tom's help. The sixth item on the outline entitled <br /> "Disposition of Properties Plan"will require work from the Board members. Specifically,the Board needs to <br /> identify what they would like to do with that property. It was explained that just selling the property to a <br /> prospective developer who may then sit on it until a new buyer is found is not what the legislative act requires. <br /> Rather the EDIC must identify appropriate uses of the property and target those industries. To this end,the Board <br /> identified the industries it feels should be targeted for use of this property. <br /> d. Update on discussion regardingPriority Development Areas <br /> Tom Mayo stated that he has discussed this with Paul Neidzwicki and that a meeting will be schedule with Paul and <br /> Joyce. <br /> Future Meeting Dates <br /> The next meeting will be held on Monday,July 30h at 6pm. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Dino Mitrokostas motioned to adjourn the meeting;Bob Cobuzzi seconded the motion. Voted unanimous(6-0). <br /> The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. <br /> Respect W sub itt , <br /> Tom Mayo <br /> Assistant Town Manager <br />