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Old Business <br /> Report from working group on Mashpee-Falmouth EDIC Partnership Plan Possible Action Plan --Robyn <br /> Simmons and Ma LeClair <br /> Mary LeClair has researched responsibilities for Director. She asked that other members prepare ideas for what is <br /> wanted from a Director. She stated the Industrial Park land needs to be sold prior to hiring a Director. In summary, <br /> Mrs:LeClair stated that the EDIC needs to finalize a job description and contract specifics for the new Director. <br /> Mrs. Cook stated that the Industrial Drive property must be sold for capital and that she would like to have a plan in <br /> place so that the EDIC can hit the ground running when the property is sold. <br /> Organization of FDIC; Rules&Regulations;Policies—Carol Sherman and Tom Mayo <br /> Carol Sherman and Tom Mayo presented the updated organizational documents-book containing the rules and <br /> regulations as taken from the enabling legislation for the Mashpee EDIC. Also included in the book were a <br /> discriminatory harassment policy, professional conduct policy and substance abuse policy, current insurance policy, <br /> signed conflict of interest forms from each of the'board members and a document stating the professional <br /> affiliations of the board members per section 3 of the rules and regulations. <br /> Developer's Kit discussion—Carol Sherman <br /> Mrs. Sherman presented her vision for the Developer's Kit. This included a recommendation that it be called the <br /> "Mashpee Guide for Business". She stated that she would like to use the map background used on the cover of the <br /> organizational documents book as the background for the Developer's Kit as a way to standardize the look and feel <br /> of EDIC documents. She also listed other documents that she believes should be included, such as: sign by-law, <br /> demographic sheets, Mashpee heritage documents, listing of current department heads, document containing a link <br /> to the Cape Cod Commission website page containing the regional policy plan,Cape Cod Commission Mashpee <br /> liaison name and contact information, chamber of commerce guide book, Town of Mashpee annual report,historic <br /> district map and a list of FAQs. <br /> Mrs. Cook asked all board members to forward anything they feel would be appropriate for the list of Frequently <br /> Asked Questions. <br /> Next Steps with 2+Acre Lot on Industrial Drive—Dino Mitrokostas&Ken Marsters <br /> Mr.Mitrokostas suggested that he would like to contact 3 local brokers to obtain market appraisals. <br /> Mrs. Cook asked if needed to issue a RFP first. Tom Mayo stated that he would discuss this with the Town <br /> Manager and get back to the board. <br /> Mary LeClair motioned to empower Mr.Mitrokostas and Mr. Marsters to solicit appraisals from 3 real estate <br /> brokers, pending legal counsels opinion on the need for issuing a RFP. The motion was seconded by Carol <br /> Sherman and approved 5-0. <br /> Mr. Mayo stated that he thought the deed for the industrial park property would be recorded this coming week. <br /> Reminder of meeting with CCEDC May 3 2012 5 PM to present the results of the Mashpee-Falmouth EDIC <br /> Partnership Plan—Marv, Carol,Terrie and Tom Mayo <br /> It was decided that Mary LeClair,Robyn Simmons and Terrie Cook would attend. Mrs. Cook will try to get there <br /> on time, if she cannot,Mrs. LeClair would present the project to CCEDC in her place. <br />