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Old Business <br /> Organization of EDIC; Rules&Regulations; Policies—Carol Sherman and Tom Maw <br /> Tom Mayo presented updated and final Organization book. This book will not be re-produced for each member, <br /> but rather will reside in the office of the Assistant Town Manager and will be available as needed. Additionally, <br /> Tom Mayo will bring it to each EDIC meeting. <br /> Mashpee's Guide for Business—Carol Sherman. <br /> A draft of the document was distributed for comment. A review of the entire document resulted in significant <br /> additions and changes,mainly to the introduction page. Tom Mayo will incorporate these changes to the Guide and <br /> request review by each Department Head and the Chamber of Commerce. An updated draft will be available for <br /> the next EDIC meeting. <br /> U date and Incorporation and Federal ID number—Ken Marsters <br /> Postponed until next EDIC meeting as Mr. Marsters is not present. <br /> Report of Working Group re: Economic Development Plan-Carol Sherman and Ken Marsters <br /> Tom Mayo presented the requirements for an Economic Development PIan per the EDIC enabling legislation. Ms. <br /> LeClair stated that she was under the impression that the Mashpee/Falmouth EDIC Partnership Plan would <br /> accommodate this requirement. After reviewing the language from the legislation, it became clear to Ms. LeClair <br /> and the rest of the board that this would not be the case. <br /> j <br /> It was suggested by Ms.LeClair that the EDIC request assistance from the Cape Cod Commission with drafting the <br /> Economic Development Plan. Terrie Cook made a motion, seconded by Mary LeClair that the EDIC Board <br /> empower Tom Mayo to formally request assistance with writing the Economic Development Plan from the Cape <br /> Cod Commission. It was also stated that this plan should be completed by the end of July and presented to the BOS <br /> and the Planning Board in August,to be in time for inclusion in the October Town Meeting Warrant. <br /> Update on Paul Niedzwicki request from CC Commission <br /> Tom Mayo stated that he had a call into Paul Niedzwicki of the Cape Cod Commission, had received an e-mail <br /> back from his assistant that Paul was on vacation and would return my call early the week of June 4`h. Tom stated <br /> that he will request assistance during this call. <br /> Discussion of future meeting dates <br /> The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 <br /> Adiournment <br /> Mary LeClair motioned to adjourn the meeting; Dino Mitrokostas seconded the motion. Voted unanimous(6-0). <br /> The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. . <br /> Respectfully su mitted, <br /> Tom Mayo <br /> Assistant Town Manager <br />