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MASUPEE ECONOMIC_ DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 19, 2008 <br /> Present: Robyn Simmons, Mary LeClair, Bob Walsh, Terrie Cook, Rene Read. <br /> Joe Noonan and Bob Cobuzzi on teleconference call. <br /> Rene chaired the meeting and opened at 6:00 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of January 15, 2008 were approved. <br /> The Committee began interviews for the open position on EDIC. <br /> Grace Talmadge has a travel/tourism background, sold a website, and has many years of <br /> voluntary service in the Town of Mashpee. Even though the Committee is no longer interested <br /> in pursuing a hotel in Town, she is still interested in the position. <br /> Elizabeth Curtain comes with a background in lending and presently she is a Business Broker. <br /> She feels she found a home in Mashpee that she plans to spend a lifetime. <br /> Joseph Anastos will be scheduled for the next meeting. <br /> Joe asked for an update on the CCEDC grant. Does the Town have the expertise to make a <br /> presentation at the Cape Cod Commission, perhaps hire our Counselor Pat Costello, with the <br /> intention of acquiring a grant or a loan. Rene will find out about this. It was suggested that <br /> Ernie Virgilio is the Mashpee representative on the CCC, and perhaps he can present for the <br /> Town. The Industrial Park sites have CCC approval which may increase their value. They are <br /> presently valued from$450,000 - $650,000. <br /> Joe asked if we can get a list of the recommended saleable tax-taking properties from Tom <br /> Fudala before we meet with him next month. Also, regarding the 4.5 acres,part of which will be <br /> used for the Free Clinic (2 acres), what will we do with the remainder of the property(2.5 acres). <br /> Rene will follow up on these items. <br /> Joe asked Bob Walsh's opinion re: the meeting with Joe Kelleher about the way they structured <br /> their partnership (land lease, tax agreement, zoning relief). This would seem good for our <br /> Industrial Park. The Government should be viewed as an investor. Bob Walsh commented that <br /> EDIC should follow the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Town properties could be auctioned or <br /> sold, similar to what Sandwich recently accomplished, to create SEED money. <br /> The next meeting will be March 18". <br /> ��T��hee}}meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. <br /> "1'gl <br /> Marylsthorpe, Recording Secretary <br />