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s -- <br /> MASIHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> JULY 8, 2008 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Rene Read, Mary LeClair, Bob Walsh, Beth Curtin. <br /> Terrie Cook, Liaison to the Board of Selectmen <br /> Brian Kehrl, Mashpee Enterprise <br /> Absent: Robyn Simmons, Bob Cobuzzi. <br /> Joe Noonan chaired and opened the meeting at 6:08 p.m. <br /> i <br /> The Minutes of June 24, 2008 were moved and approved as amended. <br /> The Minutes of June 3, 2008 will go back on the agenda for a vote by the members present at <br /> that meeting. <br /> There will be a meeting to discuss the tax-taking properties on July 1 O'h at 11:00 a.m., and the <br /> following will be present for this meeting: John Cahalane, Joyce Mason, Joe Noonan., Rene <br /> Read, Terrie Cook. <br /> The draft letter for the grant will include $75,000 for an EDIC consulting firm. The letter will go <br /> to Dan Dray after it is reviewed by the Board of Selectmen at their July 21' meeting. The <br /> Committee took a vote to send the letter to the Board of Selectmen for their approval. <br /> Unanimous. <br /> Upon the Board of Selectmen's approval, the letter will be forwarded to Dan Dray, <br /> Administrator, Economic Development Grant Program. <br /> Bob Walsh asked who manages the $75,000 contract with no benefits. This will be an award <br /> from the Cape Cod Commission to the Town of Mashpee. Legal Counsel can help the <br /> Committee with this situation. Legal Counsel has scheduled office hours, and Rene will check <br /> the date he has with the Town. Bob Walsh, Joe Noonan, and Rene Read will meet with Town <br /> Counsel on his scheduled date. EDIC has the power to receive and write checks, but it may <br /> serve them better to work within the structure in existence. Bob Walsh recommended that the <br /> Town manage EDIC funds to reduce the expenses of audits, consultants, and accountants. <br /> Bob Walsh further recommended the Committee get a fee for service from developers whom we <br /> are helping to get fees defrayed. We also need Liability Insurance. <br /> The Web Site has been improved with an increased font, and a counter can be added to the site. <br /> Rene distributed the generic business cards to each member. He will include names of each <br /> member in the next printing. <br />