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4 <br /> MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Rene Read, Mary LeClair, Bob Walsh, Bob Cobuzzi, Robyn Simmons, <br /> Terrie Cook, Liaison to the Board of Selectmen, Brian Kehrl, Mashpee Enterprise. <br /> Joe Noonan chaired and opened the meeting at 6:15. <br /> The Minutes of August 5, 2008 were moved and approved. <br /> The BOS approved the transfer of the 2.6 acre site in the MIP to FDIC, and it will appear on the <br /> October Town Meeting warrant. The 6 acre site will not be transferred until a plan exists. It was <br /> suggested that someone from the Committee give a presentation at the Town meeting. Also, <br /> someone should talk to the abutters before the meeting. Our plan is to leverage the asset and <br /> create a tax increase with a new business. <br /> Rene will call Andy Gottlick or John Cahalane to ask what the water collaborative is looking for <br /> in terms of properties. <br /> Joe asked Bob Cobuzzi and Mary LeClair to come up with a cash management program if we <br /> sell the 2.6 acres. <br /> Dan Dray is ready to meet with us to discuss management of the grant award. Bob Walsh <br /> suggested we are not ready for a meeting, we have no budget yet. The plan is to hire a consultant <br /> and develop a program for the two parcels in the Industrial Park. Bob Cobuzzi and Joe Noonan <br /> will make an attempt to talk with Dan Dray. <br /> Rene provided three examples of an RFP for an Economic Development Consultant. The Chapel <br /> Hill sample was applauded. Bob Walsh suggested having candidates come to our meeting and <br /> make presentations about what services they can provide. Bob also volunteered to write the <br /> RFP, later changed to RFQualifications. The ad could state that EDC is looking to hire a <br /> consultant, and ask applicants to submit a letter, agree to a pre-conference and provide a proposal <br /> statement. Try to get the biggest bang for the buck. We need to state what we want with a <br /> timeline. <br /> The discussion on new developments was postponed until next time when Beth Curtin is present. <br /> Rene will follow up on the tax-taking properties with Tom Fudaia. The Guide for Business <br /> brochure may need revising, and we should run that by the Planning Board first. <br /> There were several visits to our EDIC web site. Rene will have business cards made up with the <br /> members names included. <br /> Joe asked for an organizational meeting to elect a new Chairman and Vice Chair. This will be on <br /> the agenda for October 21 st. <br /> i <br /> i <br />