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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENVINDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> MAY 5, 2009 <br /> Present: Rene Read, Joe Noonan,Bob Cobuzzi,Robyn Simmons, Mary LeClair,Terrie Cook. <br /> Absent: Bob Walsh <br /> Joe Noonan opened the meeting at 6:05 p.m. in Conference Rm. 2. <br /> The AFmutes were moved as amended by Rene, seconded by Bob, unanimous. Robyn abstained. <br /> Boston Concessions. Rene reports they are interested in working with us, and he will report <br /> back to the Committee as things develop. <br /> Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy(CEDS1_Rene attended the Focus Group <br /> meeting, and they were given 16 projects that are regionally based,ranging from housing to a <br /> college campus, along with four questions to ask for each suggested project to see how well it <br /> meets the criteria for the Cape. Rene asked the Committee to review the list of sixteen priority <br /> projects, ask the four questions given for each project, and report back at the next meeting. He <br /> would like to get EDIC's comments on record. <br /> Long Ran re GogN6gb'ectives: Rene will invite Paul Niedzwiecki, Executive Director of the <br /> CCC, to our June 16'h meeting, to discuss and follow up our grant application and work on a <br /> more regional approach, perhaps with Falmoutk We will start work with Falmouth to do <br /> strategic planning, maybe share a staff person, to help with developing properties together. <br /> Basically, we will repackage the grant. Rene will contact Falmouth and invite them to our June <br /> 2`d meeting. Joe and Bob agreed to form an outreach sub-committee. <br /> Mary LeClair suggested inviting Marcia King, the Mashpee representative from the Assembly of <br /> Delegates, to our meeting to talk about regional grants. She writes grants for the Town of <br /> Barnstable. Mazy will contact her,tell her our history, and invite her to our meeting. <br /> Old Business; Joe would like an update of the Mashpee Business Guide and receive the <br /> handouts from the Pittsfield Seminar on working with developers to develop small sites. Rene <br /> will follow these up. <br /> New Business:Robyn will look into any new grants that may be available. <br /> Meetine Schedule.The next meetings are: 5/19, 612, 6/16, 7/14, 7/28, 8111, 8125, 9/15, 9/29. <br /> Rene will have them posted by the Town Clerk. <br /> Adiournment:Robyn moved, Mary LeClair seconded. Unanimous. <br /> M y Plstho�e,tording Secretary <br />