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i <br /> MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> NNE 23, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Bob CobuzzL Terrie Cook,Rene Read, Mary LeClair. <br /> Absent: Robyn Simmons,Bob Walsh. <br /> Joe Noonan called the meeting to order. <br /> The Minutes of June 2, 2009 were passed until the next meeting when more members are <br /> present. <br /> Rene stated that it is his understanding that EDIC is incorporated based on the legislation. EDIC <br /> does not have a tax-filing number (EIN). Once we have funds in the bank, then we will file. We <br /> do not need fiduciary insurance if we do not elect a Treasurer. There is no need for bonding. <br /> Rockland Bank offered to send a representative to come in and explain available loan <br /> instruments. <br /> EDIC has turned and closed the page with regard to Boston Concessions. If anyone is interested <br /> in a land lease,they need an appraisal. <br /> Rene will arrange a meeting with Carey Murphy, Chairperson of Falmouth's EDIC and Heather <br /> Harper, Assistant Town Manager for Falmouth. Joe Noonan,Bob Walsh, Rene, and Terrie Cook <br /> will be part of that daytime meeting. Hopefully, a meeting can be set up the week of July e. <br /> Paul Niezwiccki, Executive Director of the CCC, has some good ideas and an interest in coming <br /> to talk with us. He is available in July for one of our meetings. Mary Pat Flynn, Falmouth <br /> Selectman and County Commissioner, is another excellent resource to invite to our meeting. <br /> Rene will e-mail Mass. Development to see if there are any grants available to us. <br /> Rene will consult Town Counsel Pat Costello regarding our Corporation status. <br /> We need to re-advertise the vacancy for a member-at-large. Terrie volunteered to call Brad <br /> Sweep from Con Com who would make a good candidate. <br /> Joe Noonan moved to adjourn, Bob Cobuzzi seconded. Unanimous. Adjourned 7:00 p.m. <br /> Next meeting: July 14th. <br /> Mary Gelsthorpe, Recor Secretary <br />