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i <br /> MASBPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> JULY 14, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi, Mary LeClair, Bob Walsh, Robyn Simmons, Rene Read, <br /> Brian Kerhl/Mashpee Enterprise. <br /> Guest: Paul Niedzwiecki, Executive Director, CCC <br /> Meeting called to order 6:10 p.m. <br /> Minutes June 2nd moved by Bob Cobuzzi, seconded by Mary LeClair. Unanimous. <br /> Minutes June 23 moved by Rene Read, seconded by Bob Cobuzzi. Unanimous. <br /> I <br /> Paul Niedzwiecki was invited to help the Committee access grant money. FDIC's application <br /> for grant money to hire a consultant to develop the 6 and 2-acre parcels was turned down. The <br /> Committee is attempting a more regional approach this time hoping for a more favorable <br /> outcome. Paul was favorable to the regional approach, and he has confidence in Falmouth's <br /> EDIC as a good partner for Mashpee. They can help with development agreements, thresholds, <br /> etc. Cape Cod Chamber works with the CCC, and they are a good resource. EDIC needs to <br /> move these two parcels to acquire some money. Paul offered to come back and work with us and <br /> show what other EDIC's are doing so far. Mashpee's EDIC is meeting with Falmouth this week <br /> to get a better idea where we can go together. Cellular/energy companies are looking around to <br /> put their equipment in the right places, and some of the stimulus money is going to these type of <br /> companies. CCC can help us with traffic studies and other data. Pre-permitted projects get <br /> priority, and CCC can help with that. Mass Development does not have much in the way of <br /> grants, but they do provide loans. The EDA is the best resource for EDIC grant money. A bio <br /> fuel operation might be ideal for our Mashpee site. They turn algae into fuel. Marine <br /> Technology and new Energy Sources are the big push these days. Rene will follow up with Paul <br /> after our meeting with Falmouth. <br /> Rene noted that he looked into Mass Development, and they do bonds and loans primarily. <br /> We will meet with Falmouth tomorrow,July 15'', at 8:30 a.m. to discuss collaboration with <br /> them Joyce Mason, Terrie Cook, and three EDIC members will be present. <br /> There is a federal funding workshop on Tuesday, July 28t", two sessions, morning and afternoon. <br /> They will cover EDA grant funding procedures. Rene plans to attend the morning session. <br /> NEXT MEETING: July 281h. <br /> Vote to adjourn: Rene moved, Bob Cobuzzi seconded. Unanimous. <br /> t%* <br /> Maryelsthorp , ecording Secretary <br />