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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> JULY 28, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi,Robyn Simmons, Bob Walsh, Rene Read, Terrie Cook. <br /> Meeting called to order 6:10 p.m. <br /> Minutes 7-28-09 moved by Bob Walsh, 2nd Rene Read. Unanimous. <br /> Robyn Simmons attended a meeting with Paul Niedzwicki and reviewed the SEDS grant. <br /> Cape Cod Commission has met the 16-point priorities for SEDS. <br /> Cape Cod Commission knows us better now, and they will help us access grant money. <br /> We are waiting to hear back from Bob Whritenhour, Falmouth, to craft an RFP that benefits both <br /> Mashpee and Falmouth in a regional project. <br /> Falmouth is exiting the real estate agency business. They are looking for a change, a transition <br /> phase. They are moving into a planning phase agency. <br /> A part-time support person could help Mashpee and Falmouth simultaneously. <br /> A meeting will be planned with the two Corporations after the scope has been developed. <br /> Regarding the Base, discussion is on-going regarding the disposition of the property. Mashpee <br /> has the smallest amount of land. This land could advance the Regional Approach. <br /> We will talk with Paul Niedzwicki after Bob Whritenhour and Mashpee talk about a project. <br /> A meeting with Mary "Pat" Flynn is highly encouraged in a smaller group atmosphere. We <br /> need to be mindful of an RFP deadline. We will follow this up at the August 250' meeting. <br /> The meeting of August 11"'will be cancelled. <br /> Terrie Cook is looking to get a small group meeting together sometime between 8/11- 8/25. <br /> NEXT MEETING: August 25 h. <br /> Vote to adjourn: Bob Walsh moved, Rene Read seconded. Unanimous. <br /> MaryJGthlorpe, Record' ecretary <br />