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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> AUGUST 25, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi, Rene Read, Mary LeClair, Terrie Cook. <br /> Brian Kerhl/Mashpee Enterprise. <br /> Meeting called to order at 6:15 p.m., Rm. 2, Town Hall. <br /> Minutes of 7-28-09 moved by Rene, seconded by Bob Cobuzzi. Unanimous. <br /> Rene distributed a copy of"Mashpee and Falmouth EDIC Ideas." The Towns of Mashpee and <br /> Falmouth are seeking funding to hire a staff employee to share the workload of providing <br /> technical support to both communities. The goals of creating this position would provide critical <br /> administrative support to both organizations on a part-time basis in two offices. This person <br /> would work three days in Falmouth and two days in Mashpee. Joe Noonan suggested asking <br /> Paul Niedzwicki to see if he supports the idea of hiring a person to fulfill the criteria for the grant <br /> and the regional aspect. Rene will call Paul to get his input on the concept, and then follow up <br /> with a meeting of the sub group. Mashpee has two parcels to develop, and Falmouth has none. <br /> Falmouth is changing to a development agency from a real estate agency. <br /> Joe asked if the grant needs target tasks. Mary LeClair noted that is covered in paragraph one of <br /> the handout. Joe further asked, do we want an economic specialist or a secretary. Rene stated <br /> that a job description will follow, and-he noted that maybe we might want to hire a firm. <br /> In summary, Rene will call and meet with Paul to run the two-page scope by.him. Then, Rene <br /> will set up a meeting date with Falmouth's EDIC group and our sub group. We will need to <br /> establish a strategic plan/project for the person or firm that will be hired. <br /> Rene distributed past materials pertaining to a Community Facilities Plan study that was done <br /> back in 2000 for a sports complex that included a rink, 200 meter track and swimming pool. The <br /> voters voted it down at that time. Terrie suggested revisiting this idea and meet with the <br /> Community Preservation Committee and our sub group. Perhaps we can change the scope and <br /> look into CPC funds. <br /> Rene distributed a handout on FYI Peer-to-Peer Technical Assistance Program through the <br /> Department of Housing and Community Development(DHCD). They will pay up to $1,000 for <br /> up to 30 hours of consulting services. Rene will call David Haynes for more information and to <br /> get a sample grant. <br /> The Committee needs to recruit another member. Mary LeClair volunteered to contact Jim <br /> Vacarro and ask him to become a member. Bob Cobuzzi volunteered to do a follow up call. <br /> Terrie Cook volunteered to call Marcia King and ask her. <br /> NEXT MEETING: September 151h. Note: The October 20th meeting has been changed to <br /> October 27'h <br /> Vote to adjourn: Joe Noonan moved, Bob Cobuzzi seconded. Unanimous. <br />