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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan,Bob Cobuzzi, Rene Read, Mary LeClair, Robyn Simmons. <br /> I <br /> Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m., Rm. 2, Town Hall. <br /> Minutes of 8-25-09 moved by Rene, seconded by Bob Cobuzzi. Unanimous. <br /> The Mashpee and Falmouth EDIC's met and reviewed the two-page Idea sheet and the grant that <br /> was written last fall. There seems to be a consensus that hiring a firm makes more sense than <br /> hiring a person. The grant will be re-worked jointly. Falmouth needs to define their course of <br /> action and tactic for moving forward. Falmouth is positive about joining us, and perhaps in the <br /> future,the group can include Sandwich and/or Bourne. Rene will call Paul Niedzwicki to give <br /> him an update about the meeting and get his input. <br /> Rene reviewed the DHCD Peer-to-Peer Grant and EDIC's eligibility. This is a Technical <br /> Assistance Program through the Department of Housing and Community Development. They <br /> will pay up to $1,000 for up to 30 hours of consulting services. It requires filling out a 1-2 page <br /> application They will meet with us anytime. So,what is our project? Is it worth it?. The <br /> consensus of the group was no. We can use the CCCC for free technical assistance. <br /> Rene polled the group about revisiting the community sports complex idea with the Community <br /> Preservation group as suggested by Terrie Cook. The consensus was to put this on hold. <br /> Rene will contact Jim Vacarro to finish the conversation about Boston Concessions and their <br /> interest in the Industrial Park as a location for their business. It was noted that the Planning <br /> Board recently approved a design center in the Industrial Park. <br /> Mary LeClair contacted Jim Vacarro recently about becoming a member of the FDIC, and he <br /> will get back to us. <br /> Future Meetings: September 29, October 13 and 27,November 10 and 24,December 8 and 22. <br /> Rene moved to adjourn,Bob Cobuzzi seconded. Unanimous. <br /> Mary Ge �rpe,Recor ' Secretary <br />