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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 13, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi, Rene Read, Mary LeClair, Robyn Simmons, Terrie Cook. <br /> Brian Kerhl/Mashpee Enterprise <br /> Meeting called to order at 6:08 p.m.;Rm 2, Town Hall. <br /> Minutes of 9-15-09 moved by Bob Cobuzzi, seconded by Rene. Unanimous. <br /> The Committee reviewed and revised the EDIC Ideas page for Mashpce EDIC. We are looking <br /> to hire a firm or firms, rather than hire an employee. The emphasis for Mashpee EDIC is on real <br /> estate and marketing, whereas Falmouth EDIC will focus on redevelopment. <br /> Rene spoke with Paul Niedzwiecki, and this project is at the top of the list to be discussed and <br /> reviewed in January 2010. <br /> The following steps were recommended on how to proceed: <br /> 1)Review the Ideas with Mashpee group. <br /> I <br /> 2) Meet with the Falmouth EDIC next week. Rene, Bob, Joe and Terrie will attend. <br /> 3)All meet with Paul Niedzwiecki. <br /> Is there a formal application process, and do we need a separate document? Check the previous <br /> grant application, and Robyn will follow up with MEDC to see if there are any firms we could <br /> hire. <br /> Rene will ask Paul the amount we can ask. <br /> Joe Noonan will contact Jim Vaccaro to see if he is interested in joining the EDIC, and if not, <br /> could he recommend someone. <br /> Future Meetings: October 27,November 10 and 24, December 8. <br /> Joe moved to adjourn, Rene seconded. Unanimous. <br /> t7ls orpe,Reco�dgretary <br />