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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 27, 2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan via conference call, Bob Cobuzzi, Rene Read, Robyn Simmons, Mary <br /> LeClair, Brian Kehrl,Mashpee Enterprise. <br /> Rene chaired the meeting,which opened at 6:05 p.m. at Town Hall, Rm. 1. <br /> Minutes of 10-13-09 were moved by Bob Cobuzzi, seconded by Mary LeClair. Unanimous. <br /> Rene attended a power point presentation put on by the Bourne Financial Development <br /> Corporation at their Annual Meeting. A Marketing/Financial Study was done by Ninigret <br /> Partners on the Clean Tech Renewable Energy Industry in Massachusetts. They provided <br /> statistics and findings on the growth of the industries, such as: Solar power, wind power, marine <br /> technology, site planning, developing a green park,work force,Bourne location site. Sallie <br /> Riggs was the speaker. Bourne wants to create a welcoming environment for businesses before <br /> inviting the businesses in. They hope to provide tax incentive programs. It was noted that there <br /> are USDA grants available since Cape Cod is considered rural. <br /> Rene met with the Falmouth EDIC: Bob Whritenour, Carie Murphy, and Michael in <br /> Development Planning. Rene distributed a revised Ideas sheet dated 9/8/09 geared toward <br /> Falmouth's re-development plan. They are now called FEDC. The Committee reviewed their <br /> draft for goals and action items. They plan to come up with an Action Plan on an annual basis, <br /> .with goals and time lines along with a budget to be voted on by the FEDC Board at its December <br /> meeting. In other words, they establish very specific deliverables. <br /> They will re-work their draft before submitting it at their Dec. 8t'meeting. Mashpee's EDIC <br /> will also be present at this meeting on Dec. 8`h at 9:00 a.m. Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi, Rene, and <br /> Terrie Cook plan to attend. Mashpee needs to create a real estate inventory, do an RFP using a <br /> market plan with a time line and pecking order as to what we want to do. <br /> Sallie Riggs has offered to come to one of our EDIC meetings to help us. She was involved with <br /> Bourne's re-zoning process. The Bourne Financial Development Corporation has revenues of <br /> $62,831, and assets as of 6/30/09 of$37,324. <br /> We need to discuss raising money. <br /> Rene will continue working on the Falmouth/Mashpee Idea document. <br /> The Committee will meet Dec. 81h and Dec. 15'to work on this project. <br /> Jim Vaccaro may have a conflict of interest which prevents him from accepting a position on the <br /> EDIC Committee. He is trying to get Boston Concessions to come up with a business plan. <br /> Robyn tried to follow up with MEDC to find firms we might hire. The sight she was lead to had <br /> password protection. She noticed there are 100's of different grants that link into the site. <br /> Robyn and Joe will look at the site again. Robyn was able to get an estimate of cost to hire, <br /> r <br />