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S.. 11. <br /> GUIDE BOOK <br /> z Sid attended the Selectmen's meeting and informed the Selectmen that the Economic <br /> Development Committee was in the process of preparing a guide book. <br /> Tom and Nelson will go to the Mashpee Fire Station on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:00 <br /> P.M. to gather more information for the guide book. <br /> Committee members reviewed changes to the latest draft of the guide book and <br /> clarified issues of content and style. It was determined that the Committee needed to <br /> visit several more departments to get more information for the guide book. After <br /> these visits the Committee would print out a rough draft and send it to each <br /> department for an accuracy check. If there were any changes, the draft would go <br /> back to individual departments for review and finally, a professional would be asked to <br /> "smooth out the rough edges"before production. Tom asked for volunteers to visit the . <br /> following departments to acquire more information for the guide book.- <br /> Planning Board/Tom F udala and D.P.W-(Tom) <br /> Conservation Commission - (Nelson) <br /> Water Department,Assessor's office, Design Review Board and <br /> Zoning Board of Appeals - (Jamie) <br /> Fire Department- (Tom and Nelson) <br /> Police Department- (Sid and Tom) <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> Tom noted that the Mashpee Industrial Park was for sale for$2.2 million dollars and <br /> suggested that the Town might be interested in buying this property. Sid suggested <br /> that there may be money available from the state for this. Tom asked if the town <br /> could have access to state money for this purpose without being assessed for taxes -- <br /> would it require town approval. Tom asked the Committee if he should discuss this <br /> when he meets with the Selectmen. Jamie said he would support him on this. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. The Committee will meet again on April 12, 1994 at <br /> 7:00 P.M. <br /> • 3 <br />