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�- businesses and welcoming them to town. The Committee will discuss this <br /> further at a future meeting. <br /> GOLF AND RECREATION PARK <br /> Sid reminded Tom that Mr. Morton, one of the developers of the proposed <br /> Golf and Recreation Park, had planned to send data he had gathered to the <br /> E.D.C., citing examples of similar successful parks throughout the country. <br /> Tom has not heard from Mr. Morton and will follow up on this and report <br /> back to the Committee at the next meeting. <br /> CANDIDATES FOR MEMBERSHIP <br /> Sid recommended a few candidates for membership who might be <br /> interested in joining the E.D.C. Tom suggested that the Committee <br /> encourage letters of application from all interested parties and the <br /> Committee would review them at a future meeting. Tom suggested that <br /> the Committee wait until they receive at least ten letters of application <br /> before starting the review process. <br /> SUMMER BUSINESS FAIR/WORKSHOP <br /> The Committee discussed the possible benefits of cosponsoring a <br /> business fair/trade show with the Chamber of Commerce to be held this <br /> summer. The Committee will be exploring this further at a later date. <br /> 1 3 <br />