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Exhibit "A" <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR'S REPORT... <br /> FEBRUARY 14, 1995 <br /> DATA ENTRY: Data Entry is complete. Paul and I will be "de-bugging"the <br /> information to prepare for a test run with Sid...I believe we should now begin thinking <br /> about how this info. can be up-dated... Worked on questionnaire to be sent out with <br /> Assessors office mailing...Need to coordinate with Dave Bailey... <br /> GUIDE FOR BUSINESS: To date, we have given out (91) Guides; (16) since last <br /> meeting...No follow-ups necessary... <br /> INQUIRIES: I received an inquiry from a Mr. William Callahan of Cape Cod <br /> Properties. He has a party interested in moving their business (fight <br /> industry/environmental) to Mashpee. They are interested in 4,000 sq. ft. feet of <br /> production and office space. I used the data entry information and suggested he call <br /> Kevin Andrade at Summerfields and Bell One at Madaket. I did talk to Mr. Andrade, <br /> and told him he would be getting a call from Mr. Callahan. Summerfields does have <br /> the space needed, but I am not sure it is what Mr. Callahan is looking for... I will call <br /> him later this week to see how he made out... <br /> MEETINGS: Attended Planning Board Meeting with Sid. Discussed ED goals and <br /> objectives. Possible problem with planned center developments vs. strip commercial <br /> development. Met with Chris Burden of New Seabury Friday. He brought me current <br /> with their plans (Bufflehead Bay) and explained the history of New Seabury's <br /> relationship with the Town. I also informed him of our accomplishments and agenda <br /> during the coming year. I offered whatever support we could give him to make <br /> Bufflehead Bay a reality. He was pleased to see that we are taking such a pro-active <br /> role in economic development. He likes our public relations strategy and wants to <br /> work closely with us... Did a half-hour Cablevision talk show with Juan Bacigalupi. It <br /> will air in about a week... Up-coming meetings with Paul on data info. and Steve and <br /> Ted on budget... <br /> NEXT PRESS RELEASE TOPIC: Still waiting to proceed with the Data/CCS <br /> World release...Sid is working on Boston Globe release... <br /> I <br />