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Cirello at C-Map to see if he wants to pay for training. The <br /> ad will be simple, looking for their job objective and <br /> skills/experience and interest in either indoor or outdoor work. <br /> Wayne will call the local newspapers to see if we can run a <br /> free ad, and the applicants will send their response to Wayne. <br /> We will keep the names of the applicants in a folder for now. <br /> Tom reviewed the FY96 EDC budget noting there is $12 , 000 in <br /> total, with $10 , 000 allocated for the Economic Coordinator and <br /> $2 , 000 is discretionary. Tom asked if the Board Secretary could <br /> be used to do data entry, and Mr. Whritenour stated that her <br /> compensation is funded out of a separate account which is meeting <br /> related. Bob noted that they are presently working on a $26 , 000 <br /> grant which he would like Wayne to administer. <br /> Wayne stated that a PR went out on the Coles Directory that <br /> is available in the Town Library. His work this month has <br /> included efforts with the consultant. He is waiting for more <br /> info to complete the data base. He plans to work with the survey <br /> as it comes back. Someone suggested looking into making the <br /> phone number 1-800-MASHPEE to promote the town. Wayne <br /> distributed his June expense log. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 25 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Mary)?Uel4st�horpe, Board Secretary <br /> i <br /> -4- <br />