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that the seed costs Q1 (which is 5-10 % of costs) and labor <br /> costs 20% of revenues . Mr. Potts suggested developing a <br /> curriculum for the high school program. Mr. York stated he <br /> is doing shellfish farming techniques for JTEC. A possibility <br /> would be developing a fishermen' s cooperative with commercial <br /> and farming aspects . Mr. York suggested developing a commerical <br /> fishing industry to manage and clean the bottom and make ,suitable <br /> for planting and harvesting (there is habitat restoration money <br /> from grants ) . Commerical farms would require public awareness <br /> since it would reduce access . The Selectmen would have to hold <br /> a hearing before leasing the bottom. Mr. York stated he has <br /> given a presentation to Waterways and Coastal° Resource Management <br /> Mr.. Potts expressed that he would like to try it. Mr. York <br /> stated he will provide EDC with the strategic plan from the <br /> State, and there is a need to develop a strategy for Mashpee. <br /> Some PR effort would be useful and informative. Mr. York would <br /> like to meet with EDC again after they have read the plan. <br /> EDC thanked Mr. York for his . time and input. <br /> Regarding Ms. Coogan' s request for EDC support for <br /> Beautification, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously <br /> voted to have Wayne write a letter of support to the Selectmen. <br /> The Minutes of October 10, 1995 were approved. <br /> Mr. Reynolds reported on the PR Business Survey stating that <br /> the information was passed along to Mt. Auburn and incorporated <br /> into their strategy analysis . EDC will use Mt. Auburn' s <br /> .marketing strategies rather than a stand alone survey. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 40 p.m. <br /> Mary Gelsthorpe, Board Secretary <br />