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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> JANUARY 9, 1996 <br /> Members Present: Tom Potts , Steve Innis , Paul Reynolds , <br /> ( Sharon Koblinsky and Ted Lewis absent) <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. <br /> Tom read an announcement re: Cape Cod Hospitality and Tourism <br /> Forum/Seminar to be held on January 24 , 1996 ; anyone interested <br /> can attend. Also included under correspondence was a Board <br /> of Appeals Notice and a Press Release entitled "New Owner and <br /> Vision for the Mashpee Industrial Park" . <br /> The Minutes of December 12 , 1995 were accepted as presented. <br /> Wayne commented on Sharon Koblinsky ' s letter re: EDC pursuing <br /> Aquaculture with Rick York, Shellfish Warden, stating that he <br /> does not see the purpose of pursuing it except as an educational <br /> experience for students. Tom would like to see 10 acres acquired <br /> to farm with students. Wayne suggested doing slowly in this <br /> area. Wayne talked with Mt. Auburn re: the rough draft of the <br /> Strategic Plan, and Mt. Auburn plans to update the report ( i.e. <br /> adding aquaculture, etc. ) and come up with a final draft. Paul <br /> Reynolds suggested letting Rick York take the initiative as <br /> far as aquaculture. Steve stated that all EDC can do is endorse <br /> the idea and provide a few dollars for seed. <br /> Tom stated that EDC should try and help find a business to <br /> replace Augat as well as attract other businesses to the <br /> Industrial Park. Tom anticipates that the proposed Mentor <br /> Program/Educational Forums will help home businesses to move <br /> up to the space in the Industrial Park. Tom suggested writing <br /> a letter to Augat offering EDC' s help in talking up their <br /> facility and introducing people to the building . Also, EDC <br /> would like to tour the facility and obtain specs on facility <br /> use , utilities , zoning status, etc. EDC is looking for <br /> permission to help promote the building and bring potential <br /> tenants through the facility. A motion was made, seconded, <br /> and unanimously voted to draft and send a letter to Augat per <br /> the above. <br /> The Economic Development Coordinator report was presented. <br /> Wayne drafted a letter to reach Mashpee business owners <br /> canvassing them about the use of our Employment Pool <br /> (approximately 80 persons) and to provide feedback re: any <br /> placements. Tom suggested informing the new business replacement <br /> for Augat about our Employment Pool . Paul suggested printing <br /> a letter in the Mashpee Messenger and/or Enterprise. Wayne <br /> prepared a thank you sheet to all those involved with the Guide <br /> for Business! Tom suggested weeding out non-relevant members , <br /> and Paul suggested using only current 1996 Boards and Committee <br />