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to Bob Whritenour re: flexibility in the next 6 months and <br /> possibly amending Wayne ' s contract now. Tom stated that at <br /> the next meeting on January 23rd, he would like EDC to complete <br /> the budget, have Rick York quote the numbers he needs to start <br /> aquaculture ( $200 would be o.k. ) . In the meantime, EDC can <br /> work with Bob Whritenour to raise Wayne to $15 hr to work on <br /> outreach, and Wayne will sub contract the clerical work. <br /> Paul expressed concern re: the Web page cost noting that it <br /> is relatively easy to do and he can help or do it himself. <br /> Tom thought $500 was appropriated for this and hoped that <br /> Elizabeth Miller of Maxm Consulting would come in less than <br /> that. Wayne noted that Bob Whritenour stated up to $1, 000 for <br /> creating the Web page. Wayne stated that Elizabeth is meeting <br /> with Wayne on Monday to show him what she has completed to date. <br /> Tom suggested getting some feedback re: the price tag for her <br /> services. Tom also suggested Wayne talk to Bob Whritenour re: <br /> Wayne ' s contract to see if it can be modified, and also talk <br /> to Honeydew to see how EDC can help them out. Tom also asked <br /> Wayne to contact the Southeastern Mass. Manufacturing Parnership <br /> Entrepreneur Training Program to help with developing our Mentor <br /> Program/Educational Forum. Steve mentioned putting this <br /> suggestion in our letter to Augat to help with their unemployment <br /> situation. Wayne will also seek input from the Chamber. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 20 p.m. <br /> Mary Gelsthorpe, Board Secretary <br /> -3- <br />