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serve as mentors. Tom asked Rick York to come back to EDC with <br /> a proposal for an educational component and a commercial <br /> component, include what the funding sources will be, include <br /> the present JTEC program, but primarily come up with a focus <br /> and prototype, and EDC will help promote it to the town. Rick <br /> York will draft up a proposal and send it to EDC. <br /> Wayne reported on the status of the economic coordinator position <br /> stating that Bob Whritenour is in agreement with increasing <br /> the responsibilities of the position, but it will be necessary <br /> to go out to bid with an RFP since it is over $10 , 000 . Mr. <br /> Whritenour is not in favor of additional clerical help at this <br /> time. Wayne noted that $8, 500 is presently allocated in the <br /> budget for his contract. Wayne distributed a proposal for a <br /> FY1996/97 staff budget that includes a coordinator at $16 . 00 <br /> hrly and office support at $8. 00 hrly for a total of $16 , 640. <br /> This proposal only includes costs for personnel and not supplies , <br /> etc. Wayne prepared and distributed a draft letter to Augat <br /> offering EDC' s involvement and help in marketing their plant. <br /> EDC approved sending the letter to Augat. Wayne prepared and <br /> distributed a draft letter to business owners encouraging their <br /> use of the employment pool. Wayne will contact the local <br /> newspapers to run this letter as a free ad, as well as the <br /> Chamber Newsletter. Wayne also distributed a Mashpee Guide <br /> for Business 1995-96 Board/Committee Chairs/Staff Directory <br /> info sheet. A notation stating that the info is subject to <br /> change will be added at the bottom of the page , correction to <br /> Nancy Caffyn' s name, and an addition 1995-96 to the heading <br /> will be made. <br /> Steve Innis made a motion to support public transportation in <br /> Mash-pee by having Wayne Duchemin prepare and send a letter to <br /> Tom Fudala stating the merits of same. Seconded by Paul Reynold. <br /> Unanimous. <br /> Too Potts instructed that a memo be sent to Nelson Andrews , <br /> EDC alternate, asking for either his resignation or presence <br /> at the next EDC meeting-. <br /> Paul Reynolds prepared a 1996--97 budget proposal for EDC. EDC <br /> iiieiribers were .in agreement with this proposal, alone with the <br /> incorporation of Wayne ' s proposal figures , and a vote will be <br /> taken at the next meeting. Steve Innis will meet with Bob <br /> Whritenour to review this proposal before EDC votes on it on <br /> February 13 , 1996. Tom suggested that Steve fax Mary Gelsthorpe <br /> a copy of the proposed budget to send out to EDC members and <br /> a follow--up phone vote will be taken. Tom Potts would like <br /> to receive comments from Ted Lewis and Sharon Koblinsky and <br /> asked that it be noted on their copies of the proposal. <br /> -2- <br />