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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> MARCH 12 , 1996 <br /> Present : Tom Potts , Chairman, Ted Lewis , Wayne Duchemin and Stevan <br /> Innis . <br /> Chairman Potts convened the meeting at 7 : 04 p.m. <br /> Mr . Duchemin discussed with the committee correspondence recently <br /> received. The first piece of correspondence discussed was a letter <br /> from Grace Talmage which noted a suggestion of databases for <br /> Mashpee residents working out of their homes and a marketing idea <br /> in using the Brain Center in New Seabury for seminars . She also <br /> suggested a running box in community newspapers re : categories of <br /> "Jobs Wanted" and eventually "Jobs Filled" for focusing some <br /> attention to the ongoing project. <br /> The second piece of correspondence discussed was a notice on a <br /> meeting for a study of the effects of military aircraft traffic on <br /> communities surrounding the base . The meeting had been held on <br /> March 6 , 1996 and because of the lateness of receival in this <br /> correspondence no members could attend. <br /> The third piece of correspondence discussed was a thank you letter <br /> from Regan of Regan. Realtors , thanking the committee for <br /> sending applicants names for potential employment . <br /> Mr . Duchemin further discussed with the committee a memorandum from <br /> Eric Smith regarding a Sign ByLaw Committee and. the request for a <br /> volunteer to serve on it . Also an upcoming day seminar discussing <br /> "Technology & Economic Growth in Massachusetts" to be held March. <br /> 20 , 1996 in Pocasset . Mr . Innis volunteered to serve on a Sign <br /> Bylaw Committee . <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 18 , 1996 <br /> Mr . Lewis moved to accept the minutes of February 13, 1996 . Mr. <br /> Innis seconded the motion . All were in favor . <br /> Mr. Duchemin further discussed a letter he had received via the <br /> Board of Selectmen on a request from Stephen C. Kyros to be <br /> considered for a position on the Economic Development Committee to <br /> serve as a member. Mr. Innis moved to accept Mr . Kyros as a member <br /> of the committee . Mr . Lewis seconded the motion. All were in <br /> favor. Mr . Duchemin will reply to Mr. Kyros with a favorable <br /> letter. <br /> Mr . Duchemin informed the committee of a draft press release <br /> seeking members for the committee and distributed a copy of the <br /> draft to the members . Local papers will include the Cape Cod <br /> Times . <br />