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ri <br /> Wayne distributed the EDC Organizational Structure flowchart <br /> for FY97. Wayne noted that EDC will most likely expand to 10 <br /> members ( 5 core/5 alternates) with 3 still needed to make a <br /> quorum. Tom noted that Paul Reynolds will become Co-Chair and <br /> will take over as the next Chairman, which will keep the new <br /> ideas fresh, and everyone will add support. There will be an <br /> integration of old and new EDC members to keep things moving <br /> forward. Steve Kyros gave a summary of his background, and <br /> he expressed an interest in Business Outreach. He is presently <br /> working on the Otis Clean-up Committee, and his wife promotes <br /> resorts in Bermuda, So. Africa, etc. <br /> Paul commented that EDC needs to organize its efforts to <br /> help market the Augat facility which has 90 ,000 sq. ft. , two <br /> stories including a mezzanine, on 93 acres. It also has a <br /> cleaning room. Augat will be out by September. An auto <br /> dealership was suggested to replace Augat. Paul passed around <br /> a copy of the Compilers List EDC purchased as a marketing tool <br /> which contains the names of approximately 500 growing <br /> manufacturing companies who employ 50 to 250 people. It was <br /> suggested that EDC review the list for bad credit and other <br /> controversial risks. Tom suggested cross referencing this market <br /> for CEO' s who have a second home on Cape Cod. Paul will contact <br /> Chris Burden at New Seabury to get a residential listing. Tom <br /> suggested Hadco as a good company to contact. <br /> A list of questions for Wayne to ask the Boston Realtor handling <br /> the Augat marketing were: <br /> 1) How do you plan to market Augat? <br /> 2 ) What is the target market? <br /> 3 ) Can EDC have a copy of the plan? <br /> 4) What is the alternative use? <br /> 5) What is the time frame? <br /> 6 ) Is it co-brokered? What is the percentage? <br /> 7) What about signage on Rte. 28? <br /> 8) How can EDC help? <br /> 9) What should EDC avoid? <br /> 10) How can we help employ Mashpee workers? <br /> Correspondence items were: ( 1) Notice of meeting re: Financing <br /> a Small Business at Tara Hyannis, April 9 , 8 :00 a.m. ; <br /> ( 2) Solicitation campaign for the Boch Center; (3) Bob <br /> Whritenour' s request for $200,000 funding for Cape Cod Coffee <br /> through the Mass. Community Capital Fund. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9: 40 p.m. <br /> Pthorpet <br /> Mary roa3d Secretary <br />