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The Cape Cod Commission will review the , Mashpee Industrial Park <br /> Development Agreement on April 24 , 1996 at 1 : 00 p.m. Steve <br /> Kyros will attend this meeting. They will discuss how to begin <br /> the first and second phases of development without going through <br /> a DRI. Mashpee will apply for grants to improve the <br /> infrastructure and to reduce mitigation costs. <br /> Tom asked if there were any nominations for the Cape Cod Business <br /> Excellence Awards for 1996 ; there were none. <br /> Paul talked to Jim O' Connell about Hotel Partners Inc. , a company <br /> that develops systems for bringing hotels to a town. Mr. <br /> O' Connell would like to inform EDC about this service at a future <br /> meeting. Paul will invite him for one of the following dates : <br /> May 14 , May 28, and June 11 . <br /> EDC proposed an FY97 budget of $22 ,000 (an increase from the <br /> FY96 budget of $12 , 000 ) . The Board of Selectmen supports $15 , 000 <br /> for salaries and $5 , 000 for operations. The Finance Committee, <br /> however, is willing to support $15 , 000 for salaries and $2 , 000 <br /> for operations at Town Meeting, which would leave a $3 , 000 <br /> shortfall. Tom stated that $2 , 000 will cover only EDC' s phone <br /> line expense and maintenance of signs. Wayne agreed that $2 , 000 <br /> is inadequate and would not expand the marketing effort. Bob <br /> Whritenour is willing to speak at Town Meeting in support of <br /> EDC' s proposed budget, but he would like some backup. Paul <br /> volunteered to compose a fact sheet supporting the additional <br /> $3 , 000 request. Tom Potts and Wayne will distribute these fact <br /> sheets at Town Meeting. EDC members will make phone calls to <br /> canvass support, and they -will attend Town meeting and vote <br /> their support. EDC will ask the Chamber of Commerce to support <br /> their budget and also ask Jamie Regan to speak at Town Meeting. <br /> Wayne asked that the FY 1996-97 Work Program be deferred to <br /> the next meeting, and he asked EDC to review it and provide <br /> in-put. Wayne suggested i-�Liarketing Auyat with a Corp Tech list <br /> which is better than Compiler ' s Plus. Wayne is trying to <br /> facilitate a meeting with Bruce MacGregor (Mashpee Industrial <br /> Park) and Jim Storrs (Field ' s Point) to coordinate their efforts . <br /> The ED Coordinator position will change from consultant to <br /> part-time, town employee. The budget ceiling for Coordinator <br /> and clerical help will be $15 ,000 . There will also be a ceiling <br /> for work hours. <br /> Mr. York gave a presentation on aquaculture and distributed <br /> an Aquaculture Development Update. Mr. York is seeking $3 , 500 <br /> for tuition to train Wampanoaqs in aquafarming techniques. <br /> Mr. York is presently coordinating a JTEC Hard Clam Farmer <br /> Training Program, and he recently applied for an AT&T grant <br /> for a Mashpee High School aquaculture interaction project. <br /> -2- <br />