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Sowe suggestions for allocating these funds were as follows: <br /> - Wayne suggested purchasing a , $300 Cole directory for the <br /> Mashpee Library. <br /> - Tow suggested using the reâ–ºaaining funds for the Task Sub <br /> Committees ( to be determined) . <br /> - Tom suggested committing the money for an Augat/Mashpee ad <br /> in the New England Real Estate Journal and/or Banker ' s Trade <br /> Journal . <br /> - Sharon suggested accessing a local .cable channel to broadcast <br /> Mashpee Town events . Wayne stated his neighbor could possibly <br /> create an infomercial on CD Rota. CCCC could help in creating <br /> a public service announcement. It was recommended this be <br /> an FY97 expenditure since this will take some planning. <br /> - Steve suggested rLtarketiny Augat as a goal and placing a large <br /> ad in one of the trade journals. Wayne will call to find <br /> out the cost and special features of placing an ad in these <br /> journals. Wayne will yet quotes for a full , half, and quarter <br /> pare with frequencies . <br /> - Wayne stated that the priorities should be Augat, Ac,uaculture, <br /> and the Industrial Park. <br /> Wayne stated he has been unable to connect with the broker for <br /> Augat. Tom suggested to Wayne to write a letter to the broker <br /> with a copy to Augat. <br /> Wayne stated that the Water District and the Cape Cod Commission <br /> are meeting this Thursday at 4 : 0'0 p.m. to discuss the Industrial <br /> Park. The Water District submitted a proposal to . CCC which <br /> bans development in the Industrial Park. <br /> Wayne stated that Bob Whritenour wants Wayne to work on a PEWOD <br /> grant to foster economic development and to assist the Industrial <br /> Park in improving the infra structure. <br /> Sharon Koblinsky volunteered to chair the Marketing Sub Committee <br /> and work on Aquaculture. Sharon stated she attended an <br /> Aquaculture Seminar in Woods Hole. <br /> Tom Potts and Paul Reynolds spoke with Superintendent Linc <br /> DeMoura and the new High School Principal John Williams re: <br /> the entrepreneurial curriculum. The groundwork has been <br /> established for Gloria Dube who is Chair of the Education Sub <br /> ContiAttee. Gloria stated she will observe a similar program <br /> in Provincetown, and she noted the Kiwannis Club worked with <br /> 7th and 8th graders by bringiny them into the workplace. <br /> Paul invited Gloria to speak at a Mashpee Kiwannis meeting. <br /> -2- <br />