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as one entity vs . fragmented buildings . CCC is going to address <br /> hazardous waste and come up with a plan. Another meeting has <br /> been scheduled. <br /> Tom inquired if Wayne made arrangements for the public <br /> presentation by Mt. Auburn, and he asked Wayne to talk to Bob <br /> Whritenour about bringing this matter to closure. Wayne will <br /> call Mary Gelstho rpe as soon as a date has been chosen and Wayne <br /> prepares a letter for mailing with the last Partnership Meeting <br /> Minutes. <br /> Steve Innis reported the Sian By--Law Committee has met. Members <br /> are Jamie Regan, Dino Mitrokostas , Eric Smith, Martine Meijering, <br /> and Steve. Eric Smith has rewritten a draft of the By-Laws , <br /> and they are more lenient than the current ones . Some form <br /> of neon signage will be allowed ( contrary to the law) . The <br /> By Laws will be specific as to size and other specifications . <br /> A sign company is being consulted about back-lit signs. <br /> Tom reported that. Field ' s Point is ready to present their request <br /> for a zoning change at the October Town meeting-. <br /> Ken Marsters is the new liaison to EDC. Wayne will invite him <br /> to the next EDC meeting. <br /> Wayne and Gloria Dube met with the Superintendent, the new <br /> curriculum person, Ken Cirillo of C-Map and Rick York. Gloria <br /> stated that we are not ready for the Provincetown program since <br /> there will only be 9th graders initially at the new high school. <br /> Wayne talked about the business mentorship program. Gloria <br /> is interested in the Junior Achievement program and offered <br /> to speak at a Kiwannis meeting. Ken Cirillo was helpful in <br /> stating his needs, and he is receptive to training high school <br /> students. Tom suggested having a workshop for the Employment <br /> Pool through Leisure Services. A monthly meeting with the <br /> business community could include a job fair and mentor program. <br /> Steven Innis volunteered to Chair the Mentor Sub Committee. <br /> It was clarified that EDC members and alternates will vote at <br /> meetings, and alternates will replace absent members to make <br /> a quorum. <br /> The . next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 4 , 1996 , at the <br /> Senior Center. <br /> The/meeting adjourned at 8 : 50 p.m. <br /> 'Ma y Gelsthorpe, Board Secretary <br /> -2- <br />