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Day and before Memorial Day. Steve Kyros asked about follow. <br /> up to his idea to adopt a sign.. A company could contribute <br /> money or provide the actual service of maintaining the area. <br /> Tom suggested that EDC think about the ramifications before <br /> proceeding with this idea. <br /> Tom displayed the "Mashpee Night at the .Pops" sign that will <br /> be displayed on our Welcome Signs . Tom suggested EDC provide <br /> various public announcement signs that can be reused, i .e. <br /> advertise 911 , Town Meeting Tonight, etc. The Marketing Sub <br /> Committee will work on creating a message that reflects Economic <br /> Development. <br /> A review of the 'FY96 budget showed a remainder of $580 to date <br /> after purchasing refreshments for the hearing and ads in the <br /> New England Journal. Steve Kyros will request an invoice from <br /> the New England Journal for the purchase of 10 ads at $500 . <br /> Paul Reynolds suggested purchasing Pagemaker at $579 with the <br /> remainder. This could help .the marketing effort and produce <br /> updates of the Guidebook. A scanner and printer purchase could <br /> be considered next ,.year as the...need arises . Paul Reynolds made <br /> the motion to purchase Pagemaker with the remaining $580 in <br /> the FY96 budget. Seconded by Sharon Koblinsky, Unanimous. <br /> Paul noted that".Pageiaaker can be put on the Internet without <br /> going through the consultant from Maxm. <br /> The Augat marketing approach was discussed. Sharon suggested <br /> focusing the marketing effort on Cape Cod , i .e, have Jamie <br /> Regan of Century 21 market the property, contact Sea Watch, <br /> hold an open house of: the Augat - facility and invite brokers <br /> to tour, get the involved. Wayne will talk- to Anita who <br /> is in Human Relations at Augat and work with Sharon to provide <br /> a commercial property tour. <br /> Sharon gave a report on the Marketing Committee ' s progress. <br /> They decided to l..0 ads every other week in the New England <br /> Journal , and they. can vary in content. Sharon suggested modeling <br /> our ads after the 8-page ad produced by EDC for Warwick, Rhode <br /> Island. Sharon -distributed this ad and reviewed it page by <br /> page, substituting with notations for Mashpee as follows: <br /> -page 1 : Pictures showin4 .new development and duality of life: <br /> Augat, Mashpee Commons, new High School, the sea. <br /> -page 2 : Vignettes by current business owners with reasons <br /> for locating to Mashpee (I .e. C-Map, Trans Flow Energy) <br /> -page 3 : Letter from Peter Dinizio or Bob whritenour listing <br /> Mashpee ' s amenities (golf courses, etc. ) <br /> -page 4 : Economic development profile (by Wayne) <br /> -2- <br />