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particular property as previously planned. The cost of the <br /> ad is $300 , and they will put in seven inserts over the year. <br /> There is $200 remaining from the $500 previously paid. It was <br /> decided to do four ads for the billboard section (one a month) <br /> for $50 each, promoting Augat, Mashpee Commons, the Industrial <br /> Park, and Willowbend/New Seabury as prime industrial and <br /> commercial locations in Mashpee. The Sub Committee of Sharon <br /> Koblinsky , Steve Kyros , Paul Reynolds , and Wayne Duchemin will <br /> meet on Monday, October 7 , in Wayne ' s office to work on an ad <br /> to submit in October. <br /> It was agreed to make the October 22 , 199.6 meeting a brainstorm <br /> session for strategic planning of EDC' s projects for the year. <br /> Paul also asked the Committee to determine how much they want <br /> to spend on the Mentor Program, Marketing and Advertising, etc. <br /> Steve Innis reported on the Mentor Program. He stated that <br /> the work involved .is too much for him and EDC to do -alone. <br /> He would like to get other groups involved such as the Chamber <br /> of Commerce and a Business Network breakfast group he attends. <br /> Wayne suggested calling it the Mashpee Business Development <br /> Consortium. The .focus of the Program would be ( 1 ) periodic <br /> workshops with consultations to develop a business plan, and <br /> ( 2 ) a "big brother approach where mentors work with new <br /> businesses at -the Industrial Park incubator building. EDC' s <br /> role would be to create a pro business climate. The Senior Center <br /> and Leisure . Services were cited as resources and the Doreen <br /> Grace Center as the location for sharing business plans . Steve <br /> noted that ,the Bank of Boston and Cape Cod 5 are very interested <br /> in the program which would be a good match since they judge <br /> business plans. Steve stated the program will generate much <br /> interest since people need a business plan to go into business. <br /> Steve stated a letter needs to go out to the business community <br /> and the newspapers. A .sub committee was formed with members <br /> to include Paul Reynolds, Steve Innis , Tom Potts , and Steve <br /> Kyros. Gloria Dube volunteered to help with the clerical aspect. <br /> Sharon Koblinsky suggested that EDC dedicate their full energies <br /> to this project .since it ties in .with all the -sub committees. <br /> The sub committee. will work on identifying 10 things which then <br /> can be delegated to EDC members. Steve Innis will have a work <br /> program prepared for the next EDC meeting. The sub committee <br /> will meet on Monday, September 16th, at 6 : 00 p.m. at the office <br /> of Steve Innis. <br /> Gloria Dube will give the Education Sub Committee report at <br /> the next meeting. Paul Reynolds will provide Sharon Koblinsky <br /> with the phone number to contact the Cape Tech Council <br /> about attending their breakfast meetings. The meeting adjourned <br /> at 9: 10 p.m. <br /> Mary l�thorpe, and Secretary <br /> I <br />