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SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Mentor Program: Wayne stated that 16 applications were mailed <br /> out and 4 came back. The local papers have run the ad. Tom <br /> suggested placing the information in Sunday ' s Cape Cod Times <br /> "Around Town" section (which is a public service) . Wayne will <br /> place the ad in the Falmouth and Bourne Enterprise. Gloria <br /> will contact Mike Pietrowski about videotaping the eight-week <br /> prograzn. Torn offered some binders to pass out to participants <br /> to place materials and handouts; Steve Kyros will provide a <br /> hole punch. <br /> Education Committee : Gloria and Trish attended a Kiwannis <br /> meeting to obtain support for Junior Achievement. Jamie Reegan, <br /> Linda Steele, and Sharon (of Sharon ' s) volunteered to help. <br /> The Neighborhood Coalition has funds available, and Trish wrote <br /> and submitted a grant. Dr. DeMoura is very supportive of the <br /> program. Gloria will receive training along with three 5th <br /> grade teachers . There is a need for communication between <br /> schools and businesses, and we need business owners to explain <br /> to students what is involved in running a business. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> None. <br /> NEW BUSINES <br /> Torn Potts noted that there are no signs under the Welcome signs <br /> since "Seasons Greetings" have been removed. He recommended <br /> that EDC purchase signs that say "Discover Mashpee" to be used <br /> when event signs such as the Mashpee Pops and Mentadent are <br /> not in use. EDC supported the idea and the choice of words. <br /> Tom Potts made a motion to purchase six signs from Richard <br /> Pollack for $180 that say "Discover Mashpee" to be placed under <br /> the existing Welcome signs when event and other signs are not <br /> in use. Cynthia Green seconded. Unanimous. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 8: 20 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> 1 _ tV <br /> Mary G l <br /> .a)r y e�i sthorpe, B rd Secretary <br />