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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIALCORPORATION (FDIC) MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 5, 2006 <br /> Present: Rene Read, Robyn Simmons,Jim Wils, Marty Harper, Terrie Cook, Joe Noonan, <br /> Richard Dalton, Tom Fudala,Brian Kehrl (Mashpee Enterprise). <br /> Opened 4:00 p.m. <br /> The Committee reviewed a list of properties on Industrial Drive that included last sale <br /> date/price/acreage/zoning designation. A map with Lot Numbers was included. The committee <br /> may want to contact the owners in the future regarding a purchase/trade/donation. <br /> The Committee debated whether to file for federal non-profit corporation status 501(c)3. The tax <br /> advantages encourage donations. Rene will follow-up with Town Counsel Patrick Costello and <br /> request a formal recommendation. <br /> The Committee reviewed a map of the Commercial/Industrial Center in Mashpee and discussed <br /> the options of developing or selling land for development purposes. <br /> Tom Fudala reviewed a list of Tax Takings that were color-coded for recommended use. There <br /> are 530 acres of tax-taken land throughout Mashpee. The Town is considering using the land for <br /> conservation, affordable housing, sewer system infrastructure,and possible auction. The <br /> potential commercial/industrial/mixed use acres would be the focus of this committee. These <br /> acres could be sold for seed money to fund targeted development. <br /> A fiscal impact analysis prepared by the Town of Barnstable revealed a weak tax contribution <br /> for strip malls,restaurants,particularly fast food vendors, because of the money towns must <br /> spend to mitigate additional traffic generation. Strong tax contributors are specialty retail, <br /> business parks, offices, and hotels. <br /> There are 13 CCC pre-approved lots in the Industrial Park. Contractor bays are a popular use <br /> considering the building boom and limitations in residential zones. There are 9 industrial lots <br /> with CCC subdivision permits on Echo Road off Rte 130. <br /> The Free Clinic site has a total of 5 acres but only 2.5 will be used for the health center site. <br /> Perhaps the remaining 2.5 acres has some potential to be subdivided and donated to EDIC to <br /> develop or sell to create funds to build an entrepreneurial center/incubator space. Tom Fudala <br /> suggested the EDIC use its 2.7 acre property in the Mashpee Industrial Park as an incubator site. <br /> The Free Inn associated with the Brain Center and the Boch Performing Arts Center proposals <br /> which both fell through were key economic development projects. Mr. Fudala suggested the <br /> Committee work with Stuart Bornstein, the developer of two incubator facilities behind the <br /> former Augat site, which will provide 8,000sf for small business space. <br /> The EDIC can buy and sell land and borrow and lend money. <br />